Sunday, January 03, 2010

A Brave And United Nation

This is what a brave and united nation does when its citizens are abandoned, left to die by the rest of the world.

Please watch parts 2 through 6 at Unpopular Opinion.


Anonymous said...

Excellent post and here's the reminder from Wikipedia how the UN reacted. The UN is now the official tool of jihadists!

The government of Uganda, led by Juma Oris, the Ugandan Foreign Minister at the time, later convened a session of the United Nations Security Council to seek official condemnation of the Israeli raid,[30] as a violation of Ugandan sovereignty. The Security Council ultimately declined to pass any resolution on the matter, condemning neither Israel, nor Uganda. In his address to the Council, Israeli ambassador Chaim Herzog said:

We come with a simple message to the Council: we are proud of what we have done because we have demonstrated to the world that a small country, in Israel's circumstances, with which the members of this Council are by now all too familiar, the dignity of man, human life and human freedom constitute the highest values. We are proud not only because we have saved the lives of over a hundred innocent people—men, women and children—but because of the significance of our act for the cause of human freedom.[31][32]
—HERZOG, Chaim.

UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim described the raid as "a serious violation of the national sovereignty of a United Nations member state" (meaning Uganda).[33] For refusing to depart when given leave to do so by the hijackers, Captain Bacos was reprimanded by his superiors at Air France and suspended from duty for a period.[34] Idi Amin was humiliated by the surprise raid. He believed Kenya had colluded with Israel in planning the raid and hundreds of Kenyans living in Uganda were massacred soon afterwards. But from this time, Amin's regime began to break down, and two years later, he was forced into exile in Saudi Arabia. Amin died in Jeddah in August 2003.[8] In the ensuing years, Betser and the Netanyahu brothers—Iddo and Benjamin, all Sayeret Matkal veterans—argued in increasingly public forums about who was to blame for the unexpected early firefight which caused Yonatan Netanyahu's death and partial loss of tactical surprise.[35][36]

Alexander Münch said...

I sow this Video (All) at least 5 times before, and I'm crying AGAIN!

Damien said...

Avenging Apostate,

I think I saw this documentary once before as well. I think it was either on the History Channel or the Discovery Channel. But still its a good thing that you are posting this here. Its an important piece of history that I don't think to many people know about.

christian soldier said...

thank you for the reminder...
We must remeber true history....

Hope all is well w/ you e-mail now...

christian soldier said...

AA-I just left this comment at your site...and will be 'swiping' this series of videos for my HIS- story series ...will give you credit ..:-)

Appeasement never works against the dark side-Lucifer's kids...
Israel did not appease...and should never appease nor should we..
Oh for more Jeffersons and James Madisons in the U.S.