Monday, January 04, 2010

Iranian Mullocratic Regime About To Collapse?

More and more signs are coming out of Iran that the evil regime (you know, the Big Mahdi) may actually finally be on the verge of collapse.

The other day we reported that the Ayatollah Khameini was making plans to flee.

And today comes this, from Weasel Zippers:

Ex-Spy Chief Says Iran Government About To Collapse...


I hope they string that rat-faced pipsqueak Ahmadinejad up by his filthy neck...

A former high-ranking intelligence official in Iran has called for his country to form better relations with the United States and Israel and says the government of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is on the verge of collapse.

In an exclusive interview with the Bangkok Post Sunday, Mohammad Reza Madhi, a former officer in Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards' intelligence service, described Mr Ahmadinejad as ''crazy'' and unfit to lead his country.

''He has already destroyed international relationships with many countries and made them enemies of Iran,'' said Mr Madhi, who was forced to flee Iran in 2008 after being jailed for 73 years on what he described as ''trivial'' charges. ''This has cost the Iranian people so much. His ideas are dangerous.''

Iran's opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi said on Friday he was ready to sacrifice his life in defence of the people's right to protest peacefully against the government after the worst unrest since the disputed June presidential election.

Mr Madhi, who says he was once the right-hand man of Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and passed on information to respected cleric Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri, who died last month, has been in regular contact with the opposition Green Path of Hope group since he left Iran.

He said while his country should remain the Islamic Republic of Iran, religion and politics must be separated. ''The good clerics should help the people and the government, while the bad ones should be ousted from government,'' he said.

I've hated this fucking regime since 1979 when they took the hostages. I hope Satan fucks them in hell.


Anonymous said...

hey pastorius dont hold back, tell us how you really feel.

dont beat around the bush////

Pastorius said...

Hope my language doesn't offend you.

cjk said...

Not the first time I've head this. While I would be delighted to see it actually happen, I'm not holding my breath.
They are such a menace to the entire western world and especially the USA, but yet we're hardly moving a finger to help their downfall.
I'm living in a political nightmare worse than pre-war Europe!

mah29001 said...

I don't trust the "moderate" leaders of Iran as much as I don't trust those whom are openly hardline and wish to support terrorism.

A top "reformist" cleric who recently died had very similar views his openly hardline counterparts share.


Pastorius said...

You've got a very good point. But, what if the people actually took over and started a new government. There are no shortage of real Westernized young people in Iran, apparently.

It doesn't have to be an either/or situation, where we either have the "hardliners" or the traditional "reformers".

revereridesagain said...

Well, the fall of the Berlin Wall was a huge surprise too. Perhaps we will get lucky again. I wonder if Mr. Mahdi has some inside information on opposition within the Iranian military and/or security forces. That would appear a better chance of actually overthrowing Mullahs and the Dwarf than the popular uprising. To say nothing of putting a shot right through Mahmoud's Ahmadinnerjacket.

mah29001 said...

If Ahmadienjad does go via revolution, the guy who'd replace him would be no different. He was the founder of Hezbollah and also he supported terrorism against the USA and the West during the 80's when I believe he was Prime Minister but was later booted out of the regime for "betraying" the Iranian Revolution.

Those who are overtly pro-Ahmadinejad in the West lie to suggest there is some CIA operation going on in Iran. How the hell can they have it both ways, when the Iranian "moderate" opponent of Ahmadinejad supported the very terrorist group which Ahmadinejad's own fellow members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard armed?

Can't have it both ways.

Anonymous said...

sorry should have put a smirk in there or something, it brought a smile to my face. I am not easily offended by language.

in that vain I recomend the roast of bob sagget on comedy central to anyone who apreciates rough language and humor that roast hits it out of the ballpark

Epaminondas said...

I'm a bit pessimistic on this. We have to remember that since the mullahs REALLY BELIEVE they are protecting real Islam and therefore the domain of God when they are protecting themselves, all those who oppose them represent evil.

This gives them license to what will appear to us to be amoral murder en masse.


No Ghandi like tactics will work.
In the end reporters will be jailed and deported. And cell phones if necessary will go the way of satellite dishes. All other considerations will be secondary to the protection of the Islamic revolution.

The mullahs will be gone only thru ARMED insurrection, on a sea of the blood of the IRGC, Basij and students.