Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Kind of a "no duh", but important to note.

From Anonymous:

The Open Society Institute (OSI) recently published their study of Muslims in Europe,

". . .The one question in the study that got a lot of attention was "Do you see yourself as [British, French etc.]?"
Muslims - 49.0% Yes, 51.0% No
Non-Muslims - 77.1% Yes, 22.9% No

But this one is just as important: "Do most other people in this country see you as [British, French, etc.]?"

Muslims - 24.5% Yes, 75.5% No
Non-Muslims - 74.8% Yes, 25.2% No
. . .Germany: Berlin - 25%, Hamburg - 22% (11% feel they're seen as nationals). . .A majority of European-born Muslims in every city expressed national identification, except for Berlin (35%) and Hamburg (46%). Since this is only an overview, there's no breakdown for the "do others see you as a national" question. The overview doesn't show us the answers to the question "Do you want to be seen by others as [British, French, etc.]?" either.. . ."And unsurprisingly, except for France and the UK, more Muslims said they felt a sense of belonging to their country than national identification. As one German Muslim explained: "Being German means ethnicity, that's why I can't be German, but I can be a German citizen."
[from IslaminEurope.blogspot

Despite such non-allegiance, the Germans continue their $uicide mi$$ion:

Germany to build three liquefied natural gas plants in Iran causing Israel grave concerns.

Venezuelans are going to fall hard soon. Ignorance spares no fool his consequences.

Don't the Germans ever learn from their own or others mistakes?

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