Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Arizona Threatens to Pull Plug on LA’s Energy Supply if They Go Through With Boycott Over Immigration Law

Man, they really mean business in Arizona. I'm not fully behind this law myself, because Driver's Licenses are not proof of Citizenship (and there is no law requiring all citizens to carry proof of citizenship, so I believe this law will cause people to be detained on suspicion of being an illegal alien, which I think is stupid), but 


Someone has to stand up for what they believe in.

 From Weasel Zippers:

An Arizona utility commissioner said he’s willing to pull the plug on Los Angeles if the city goes through with a boycott of his state.
In a letter to the city of LA, a member of Arizona’s power commission said he would ask Arizona utility companies to cut off the power supply to Los Angeles. LA gets about 25 percent of its power from Arizona.
“That is one commissioner who has that idea — whether he can do that or not is another idea,” said LA Councilman Dennis Zine. “They are the ones who have to make the move, not us.”
The commissioner’s power grid play is in response to the city’s approval of a resolution directing city staff to consider which contracts with Arizona can be terminated.


Unknown said...

I think it's more troubling to see states going for each others troath cause of lack of leadership by the President of the United States.This current President has not only brought the World closer to a new World War ,but he's also creating the ground for a new Civil War in America.
Or that's exactly his aim to take over The power in the USA?

Epaminondas said...

Well, Pasto, we have plenty of power AND water (how much of California's H20 comes from the Colorado?) ..anytime you need out ...

This might be one the stupidest pissing contests of all time

Always On Watch said...

Pissing contests ensue when levels of frustration run high.

Arizona is clearly within its states' rights to enact and enforce this law.

And LA can't stand for it.

Damien said...


I heard about this, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa may have just made the biggest mistake of his political career. If he goes through with it, It will really harm LA's economy and a whole lot of people living in the city will be very angry at him. Did he really think Arizona would not reciprocate?

Damien said...

Plus if he doesn't go through with the boycott, it will make him look weak to anyone who actually would have supported it.

christian soldier said...

the original intent of the Constitution has been obfuscated to the point where it is un-recognizable--
STATES rights were to be supreme-the Fed was to have a LIMITED roll...
that is why one of the greatest Patriots of all time -WP grad-General of US Army-Superintendent of WP who gave up his commission to support STATES rights....
Constitutionally based quote-
My take-it fits the state sovereignty issue -

"All that the South has ever desired was the Union as established by our forefathers should be preserved and that the government as originally organized should be administered in purity and truth."

Gen. Robert E. Lee


Damien said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Damien said...

Christian Soldier,

Southerners also wanted to preserve slavery and during the civil rights movement they used states rights arguments to argue in favor of government enforced segregation, so it could be argued that the south did more to sully the good name of states rights than anyone else.

Here's an actual line from article nine of the confederate Constitution,
"(4) No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed."

And here's the source for that quote.

American Rose said...

Will, I couldn't agree with you more. Is it just us? Are we hyper sensitive? Do I need a fist full of cheetos and American Idol?
Where's my remote?

American Rose said...

What does it mean when you read:

Comment deleted. This post has been removed by the author?

Cause I just posted a post agreeing with Will, and it was not posted. But the post count went up. But my post is not there. But a post saying ..... is?

Damien said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Damien said...


Wait, Why are both my last comment and everything written by American Rose not appearing in the comments? Did someone here delete them? They weren't that even that offensive or anything else someone here is overly sensitive.

Damien said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Damien said...


All I did was write something that kind of disagreed With Christian Soldier and American Rose Responded.

midnight rider said...

Rose & Damien (& Pasto) -- your comments are back. This seems to be an ongoing problem with blogger.

When I first saw your comments in email I came over here to read them at the site itself and they weren't there. So no, you're not going crazy(ier than normal). They are back now.

Damien said...

Midnight Rider,

You said, my comments and those written by Rose are back, but I still don't see them here, or the one where you said they're back. This is very strange.

midnight rider said...

By the way (and to set your mind at ease if need be).

We are one of the very few sites who do not moderate comments. Speak your mind and speak your peace and we'll let it stand (for anyone to see).

We do delete spam, threats or wising violence against gov't officials and open hate speech (but it needs to be really bad and usually either racist or anti-semitic).

Otherwise we leave it up for all the world to see.

Genteel or not :)

midnight rider said...

Damien -- I see Rose's right now.

The last one I see from you (and that came to my email) before things got weird was to Christian Soldier re: "Southerners also wanted to preserve slavery and during the civil rights movement they used states rights arguments to"

I also see 2 deleted posts at 7:17. Are those yours?

midnight rider said...

You don't see the one where I said they were back, either? I see that one.

This is damned strange.

Damien said...

midnight rider,

You wrote,
By the way (and to set your mind at ease if need be).

We are one of the very few sites who do not moderate comments. Speak your mind and speak your peace and we'll let it stand (for anyone to see).

We do delete spam, threats or wising violence against gov't officials and open hate speech (but it needs to be really bad and usually either racist or anti-semitic).

Otherwise we leave it up for all the world to see.

Genteel or not :)

I'm aware of those policies, but thanks for your kind words. This is still puzzling through and its still pretty upsetting, and I bet its upsetting to you and Rose as well. I hope its just an odd bug that you can fix and that someone isn't hacking into your servers and deleting stuff they don't like.

midnight rider said...

Damien -- I need to correct myself here.

It appears Rose's original comment was deleted and she reposted it. As are the 2 other comments I mentioned deleted.

That's unusual. I only know of 3 people on this blog who actively delete comments as I proscribed above and am (99.9%) certain it was none of them.

So, barring operator error on your & Rose's part, it would seem this is a different problem than I first described, where comments take some time to show up.

Unfortunatley, that would be a google/blogger problem as we do not host this site from our own servers (we t'ain't that smart :)

I'd be curious to know if anyone else having a blog hosted by blogger is having these problems.

SamenoKami said...

The 'States Rights' issue has been dead since the 1870's. It's a waste of time even bringing it up. The all-knowing, all-wise, all-caring omnipresent Federal Gov't is in control now.
If AZ tries to cut power to LA, the Feds will nationalize the power plants and kill anyone who tries to stop them.

Pastorius said...

I hadn't even thought about such repercussions.

This could get interesting.

I agree with Damien on States Rights.

Well put, Damien.

Damien said...


I see all the comments are back. I'm glad the problem with comments being automatically deleted was fixed. I you guys were the ones who fixed it, I'm really glad you where able to. Do you know what was causing it?

SamenoKami said...

Pastorius, we've had the slavery/secession/states rights discussion before and it's beating a dead horse for ~150yrs.
For all the states/politicians to now beat the states rights drum is a waste of time and if taken too far, will only succeed in getting people thrown in jail or killed.
What vestige there was of states rights, died shortly after 1865. For the most part, the Constitution died about that same time and is now merely an interesting piece of antique parchment.

Damien said...


I don't think we should give up on the concept of states rights just yet. There are certian things that were meant to be solely in the authority of local state governments, and the local state governments help to check the power of the federal government. I don't think trying to seceded from the union is a good idea, for one thing America is still a republic. Also if America were to be sufficiently weekend, the strongest powers on the planet would be China and Russia. They're are not, and have not been historically big on fighting for Individual rights and limited government. As long as America remains a republic where there are large numbers of people who stand up for the constitution and our rights and the state is not able to silence them, there will be hope.

I think Rush Limbaugh said it best. "Pessimism is self Defeating." Besides the federal government was violating the constitution pretty much from the beginning. Remember the Alien and Sedition Acts?

The Constitution is not dead, and there are still many ways to fight back.

SamenoKami said...

When you say 'state's rights' people hear 'slavery' and it will be spun (ie lied about) that way and the states will lose that battle.
The Constitution is too far gone to be resurrected. You would have to fight a real civil war [not a 'War Between the States :)] to get back on track.
Do you really think people are willingly to be as free as the Constitution says they can be? No SS, no Medicare, no Public Housing, etc. etc., ad infinitum. It ain't gonna happen. We don't have enough ammo to fight the battles that would erupt in every major city were we to cut gov't largess.
Witness Greece. They would rather see the nation go down in flames than repudiate their goodies from the gov't.

Ain't I just a ray of sunshine?