Friday, May 14, 2010

UPDATED - Attorney General Holder Refuses to Use the Term “Radical Islam”

UPDATED - Culturist John says, Eric Holder suffers from


which is
a kind of a stammer that comes from thinking about how to lie about facts to make them palpable to multiculturalists when speaking.

Watch, as he pretends not to understand the question. Who does he think he's fooling?


mah29001 said...

Say...isn't this the same Eric Holder whom helped an evil company aide Colombian terrorist groups too?

No wonder he's too kind to all of these terrorists.

Pastorius said...

Isn't he the same Eric Holder who pardoned the Black Panthers for voter intimidation?

Unknown said...

THIS IS SO CLASSIC!! So he is an authority who knows who misinterprets the religion of peace. WOW !! No culturist profiling or culturist immigration policies will be coming from this multicultural denier of diversity soon.


Epaminondas said...

He should get a RESTRAINT MEDAL for not taking a chance of pissing off by .0005% those who hate our existence even more than they presently do.


Unknown said...

In his honor I have coined the phrase "MULTICULTURALIST SPEAKING DISORDER." It is kind of a stammer that comes from thinking about how to lie about facts to make them palpable to multiculturalists when speaking.

If getting that categorized as an official disorder and getting "culturism" and "Culturist" prescribed as cures don't spread these terms, I don't know what will.


e of usa said...

The very same Eric Holder that thinks bringing charges are likely and gets his information/orders from the news media and leftist groups regarding the recent Arizona immigration bill rather than (admitted yesterday) reading it himself. Yea, all 10 pages. Total incompetent ass-munch.

Pastorius said...

That's a great term.

I added it and bumped the post to the top of the page.

Damien said...

Culturist John,

I don't know if its just what you refer to as "MULTICULTURALIST SPEAKING DISORDER," or if holder genuinely doesn't realize exactly what we're dealing with.

Damien said...


You probably could.

Damien said...

People are not as likely to be accused of extremism when they use terms like that in conjunction with Judaism or Christianity.