Monday, May 03, 2010

Careful With That Axe, Hakim

From the Belmont Club:

Whether or not one believes that Islam as a whole is inherently a militant force, bent on world conquest, certain militant factions within it undoubtedly have that as their aim.

The necessary precondition for successfully coexisting with the bulk of Muslims (many of whom simply want to live ordinary lives) is to recognize the existence and wellspring of Islamic militancy. The militant strains within Islam cannot be managed until they are at last admitted to exist. You can’t separate the sheep from the goats by referring to them all as “gheep”.

Nearly all major Western leaders are bent on muddling the situation in the interests of political correctness. Reflexive Western self-loathing mandates a pre-apology before even the most timid inquiries. Every public utterance requires copious references to Islam as the ‘religion of peace’; a lengthy acknowledgement of its scientific and cultural achievements and fulsome praise of its enlightened doctrines, none of which the speaker may even have heard of, before anyone gets to the point: “and by the way, do you know who left the car bomb at the school?” Having raised something to such an exalted pedestal by preface it is more than awkward to utter what follows, like asking to borrow money from a woman right after you’ve proposed.

The inability to see certain Islamic traditions and doctrines as malevolent to avoid giving offense leads to a disastrous split level approach. It makes subversion excellent by one’s own admission in the hope the damage done by hypocrisy can be undone by espionage and pre-emption. And by this means Western society hopes to win the respect of Muslims. It undoes with the left hand what what it permits to happen with the right because politics will not abide the truth, and we tell lies through clenched smiles.
Just speak the truth. We Infidels have very good reason to believe Islam is decadent and depraved. There is only one Muslim country in the whole world that is considered "Free"; Turkey. And, in Turkey, both Mein Kampf and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion have spent time on the bestseller lists in recent years.

So much for 'Freedom'.

Islam, it seems, calls for death to any Infidel who does not want to live by the strictures of Islamic law. Sure, Muslims are willing to wait for us to learn to live by such strictures, but they aren't willing to live by our laws in their neighborhoods. This is born out everywhere from Marseilles, France to Mindanao, Philippines. If Muslims comprise the dominant population in any area of any country, they start agitating for Sharia law in that area.

Sharia law is, without a doubt, the opposite of Freedom. According to Sharia law, any Muslim who no longer wants to be a Muslim is subject to the penalty of death. Islam calls for death to all apostates.

Islam also calls for death to all homosexuals and adulterers.

And, Islam declares that a woman is only worth half that of a man in a court of law.

Additionally, Islam provides for the ownership of slaves and concubines taken as the spoils of war.

All these things are Islam, according to the Koran, the Hadith, and the interpretation of these holy scriptures by academic and spiritual "authorities".

This Islam is decadent, depraved, and rotten to the core.

We're waiting for the Muslims of the world to rise up and tell us of a better Islam. An Islam by which they plan to live in harmony with their fellow man.
We're waiting.

Jeppo comments:
Actually Freedom House ranks Turkey as only partly free in its 2010 survey. Indonesia and Mali are the only Muslim-majority nations ranked as free.

This out of about 50 Muslim-majority nations, the vast majority of which are considered not free (the OIC has 57 member states, but not all of them are majority Muslim).

BTW after 9 and 7 years of war respectively, Afghanistan and Iraq are both still considered not free. So much for the brilliant plan to impose "freedom" on these benighted savages...


jeppo said...

Actually Freedom House ranks Turkey as only partly free in its 2010 survey. Indonesia and Mali are the only Muslim-majority nations ranked as free.

This out of about 50 Muslim-majority nations, the vast majority of which are considered not free (the OIC has 57 member states, but not all of them are majority Muslim).

BTW after 9 and 7 years of war respectively, Afghanistan and Iraq are both still considered not free. So much for the brilliant plan to impose "freedom" on these benighted savages...


Pastorius said...

Thanks for the correction, Jeppo. I'll put it in the post credited to you.