Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Everybody Draw a POSITIVE Mohammed Day

From the People's Cube:
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We are not haters.
Everybody has heard by now about Everybody Draw Mohammed Day on May 20 - a grassroots campaign sparked by Islamist death threats to South Park's Kenny McCormick, Eric Cartman, and Kyle Broflovsky. The general presumption is that on this day the Internet is going to be filled with negative images of Mohammed. Not true.

We on this site are sounding our unanimous NO to negativity! We are preemptively opposing it with our own positive, loving images of Mohammed that will raise awareness and educate the nonbelievers about the correct way to treat the Muslim community and vice versa.
The People's Cube was founded on spreading positive messages. We see it as our social obligation to make all things look positive and attractive - no matter how menacing they appear in the rearview mirror.

If our target audiences are reluctant or unable to see our point from within our frame of reference, we oblige them by stepping inside their frame of reference and having a positive discussion using words they can relate to.

Hateful messages serve no purpose. As the one side will be preaching to the choir, the other side will grow even more determined to kill the messenger.

With this in mind, we encourage everybody to post only positive images of Mohammed. Negative posts that kill the positive buzz will be removed. Find a site dedicated to hate and post it there!

Red Square
Department of Visual Agitation
and Unanimity

Save A Planet, Ride A Bike! Burn fat, not oil! Global Warming is a greater threat than terrorism

Let's beat swords into ploughshares!

Blessed with Mohammed's teachings, Muslims lost interest in fighting religious wars and instead focused their lives on discerning the laws of nature, developing vaccines for deadly illnesses, stretching out the average lifespan, and feeding the starving in far away places.

Mohammed is not an anti-Semite

Nice planet. Don't blow it up

And, finally, one from Maksim: Let your actions show that Islam is indeed a religion of peace


And this is just a larger copy of the lead image...

Muslims of the world! Forget holy war! Improve local communities! Stop blaming infidels for your own misery and do something useful to better your lives instead! ~ Mohammed


Anonymous said...

A nice interfaith afterlife heavenly group hug with Mohammed, Jesus, Buddha, Mother Teresa, Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Pope John Paul and Tony Blair (pbuh)

revereridesagain said...

Nice message, except that Mo would be too busy killing, looting, and raping to listen.

Damien said...


The irony is that even this will probably get them death threats.

midnight rider said...

Positive and Mohammed are mutally exclusive and oxymoronic.

Pastorius said...

MR said: Positive and Mohammed are mutally exclusive and oxymoronic.



Pastorius said...

Actually, not only is this funny, but I think it is ingenious.

I think that making fun of Islam by saying it is things it clearly is not may be more effective than making fun of it's idiocy straight up.

The gulf between these images and words vs. the reality of Islam makes it readily apparent how evil Islam really is.

Especially the poster about the "Propet Mohammed Cancer Research Institute."

Until one sees such a thing in a humorous image like that, one would be liable to think, "Well, maybe Muslims do Cancer Research too." But, the truth is that, while some people who identify themselves as Muslims maybe involved in Cancer Research, there are no Cancer Research Institutes in the name of Islam.

One can not say that about Christianity of Judaism. Many of the best hospitals in the country and, indeed, around the world, are either Christian or Jewish hospitals.

Once again, the gulf between the fantasy and the reality is so huge that it points to how evil and/or vacant Islam is.

Always On Watch said...

I think that making fun of Islam by saying it is things it clearly is not may be more effective than making fun of it's idiocy straight up.

Sort of like Mark Twain or some other satirist?

Pastorius said...


The People's Cube is a great website.

midnight rider said...

Oh I didn't say it wasn't funny, just oxymornoic, which makes it funny.

Pastorius said...

Morons are always funny. And, oxymorons even moreso.
