Sunday, May 09, 2010


From the Astute Bloggers:
It turns out that the disgusting Richard Goldstone, who's sought to demonize Israel for Operation Cast Lead at the UN, has a very disturbing record of his own as an advocate of apartheid:
JERUSALEM - Judge Richard Goldstone gained notoriety in Israel over the past year when the U.N. human rights commission that he chaired made the determination that Israel committed war crimes and criticized the Israeli Defense Forces, which, he claimed, had violated basic human rights.

Judge Richard Goldstone forgot only one thing: to make any mention of his own sordid human rights record.

A special investigation by the Tel Aviv newspaper, Yediot Ahronot, which will be published in this weekend’s Yediot weekend magazine section, will spell out Richard Goldstone’s record as a judge during the apartheid era in South Africa.

It turns out that the judge who authored the U.N. report, which castigated Israel’s three-week incursion into Gaza, took an active part in enforcing the racist policy of one of the cruelest regimes of the 20th Century.

It turns out that when Judge Goldstone sat as a judge in the Court of Appeals in the 1980s and the 1990s, he sent dozens of black people to the gallows without mercy.

This stain on his past did not prevent him from speaking many times against the death penalty and directing sharp criticism at many countries that allowed executions to take place.

Never, it seems in any of his statements, did Judge Goldstone own up to his own actions.

The findings that Yediot Ahronot obtained indicate that Mr. Goldstone sentenced at least 28 black people to death.
Read the rest. Goldstone is a most vile man who should be shunned by all common sense society for his atrocities, and should stand trial for his hypocrisy. I would never want to let him anywhere near my family.


Anonymous said...

This is rich coming from you..

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't know what the above post is implying, but I think this is excellent reporting! Right up there with the reporter who uncovered the letter signed by the not-yet pope allowing a child molester to continue being a priest so as to save face for the Catholic church! Pretty incredible stuff.

Happy mother's day to all, especially the women of the Middle East Muslim dictatorships and theocracies forced into arranged marriages as child brides, denied a chance to be anything but a mother, and being told what to believe, how to dress and what their place is: submission. My heart goes out to them on this day. May they one day be free!

jeppo said...

"Goldstone...should stand trial for his hypocrisy."

LOL. If hypocrisy is now a criminal offence then we're going to need to build a million new prisons to hold all the hypocrites!

Seriously though, this article is a piece of kak, as the South Africans would say. One of the cruelest regimes of the 20th Century, eh? Crueller than Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia, Mao's China, Tojo's Japan, Pol Pot's Cambodia, Idi Amin's Uganda, Papa Doc's Haiti, Castro's Cuba, Saddam's Iraq, the Ayatollah's Iran etc etc ad infinitum, eh? Bullshit.

How exactly was South Africa any crueller than, say, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, South Carolina or Georgia up to about 1965? Answer, it wasn't.

Also the author clearly implies that "Mr. Goldstone sentenced at least 28 black people to death" simply because they were black. Again, more bullshit.

Look, Goldstone is a knee-jerk liberal and a hypocrite, no doubt. But it bothers me when so-called conservatives attack people like him from the left, calling him an "apartheidist", i.e. a white conservative. He ain't no conservative, he's an anti-white, anti-Israeli Leftist scumbag, period.

Pastorius said...

Please clarify. What is "rich"?

Pastorius said...

Yeah, you're right. "Hypocrisy" is a poor choice of words.

Let me change that. He ought to be tried for "following orders" which resulted in crimes against humanity.

jeppo said...

Crimes against humanity? I don't know anything about the 28 people he sentenced to death, but considering that SA is the most crime-infested country on Earth, they probably had it coming.

Pastorius said...

"...considering that SA is the most crime-infested country on Earth, they probably had it coming."

Correction: ... considering the SA has one of the most racist histories of any Euro-based political nation-state, they probably had it coming.

jeppo said...

Sure they've got a racist history, just like the Southern US does. But segregation and apartheid were the rational social systems they had to implement if they were going to maintain a similar civilizational standard as any other Euro-based political nation-state.

What are you trying to say, that Goldstone had those people executed simply because they were black? Do you have any proof of this?

Epaminondas said...

"But segregation and apartheid were the rational social systems they had to implement if they were going to maintain a similar civilizational standard as any other Euro-based political nation-state."

@#$*((#*$)(#*$)(*) !!!!!!

Segregation and apartheid were necessary because only thru force could WEAK, IGNORANT SLOBS WITH ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION THINK TO MAINTAIN THEIR POSITION.

Goldstone is no surprise.
Prejudice is prejudice even when it is expressed thru guilt

Ciccio said...

I have to disagree with jeppo, Goldstone is neither a liberal nor a fan or opponent of apartheid, he is a strong supporter of Goldstone and whatever gets Goldstone the most kudos. Anti-Israel is the most profitable stance to take today and that is Goldstone's stance. As for his excuses about his actions as an apartheid era judge, they will be familiar to all who follwed the Nurnberg trials, they are in fact identical, no doubt indicating an identical mindset.