Sunday, May 09, 2010

Internal AT&T presentation: we'll save $4.1 billion a year if we drop all employee health care benefits

From Director Blue. Click on the title to read the whole thing.

You know how President Obama relentlessly marketed his health care takeover with the slogan 'If you like your current health care plan, you'll be able to keep it™'?

Here's a news flash that you won't see in the legacy media: he lied.

Someone inside AT&T leaked an internal Powerpoint presentation that measured the financial impact of DemCare.

AT&T estimates that it can save upwards of $4 billion annually by dropping health care coverage and paying the penalty tax instead.


cjk said...

Gee whiz didn't everyone on the right say this would happen like over a year ago?
This is just the beginning.

Pastorius said...

It has been obvious, hasn't it?

To everyone except Obama's fans.

Anonymous said...

it was obvious to them too, they are liars. being liberal means its ok to lie as long as it furthers your goal of what you believe is right and just.

Brooke said...

This has been planned by the gov't the whole time.