Sunday, May 16, 2010

Islam: The Religion of Three Year Olds

If it's mine it's mine,
if it's yours it's mine,
if I like it is mine,
if I can take it from you it is mine,
if I am playing with something ALL of the pieces are mine,
if I think it is mine it's mine,
if I saw it first it's mine,
if I had it then put it down it is still mine,
if you had it then you put it down it is now mine,
if it looks like the one I have at home it is mine,
if it is broken it is yours.


mah29001 said...

Socialism oddly sounds like that too...strange that the extreme Left agree with Jihadis.

cjk said...

If they can thigh em, they can think like em.

Pastorius said...

Good point. I hadn't thought of that, but you're right on, aren't you?

Pastorius said...

I hate even thinking about it, but I guess you're right.