Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Briton killed by American drone in Pak 'was to be terror chief'

From Dawn:

The US military and the CIA operating in Afghanistan are the only forces that deploy the pilotless aircraft in the region.—File photo

LONDONA British terror suspect killed in a drone strike in Pakistan last month was being groomed to head a new Al-Qaeda splinter group in Britain tasked with attacking Europe, the BBC reported Tuesday.

It was the latest twist in a reported plot uncovered by Western intelligence agencies to launch simultaneous commando-style raids on high-profile targets in Britain, France and Germany.

Abdul Jabbar, a British citizen living in Pakistan, was being prepared to lead the new group which was to be called the Islamic Army of Great Britain, the BBC said, citing a senior security source overseas.

Intelligence agencies monitored a meeting of 300 militants three months ago in North Waziristan, part of Pakistan's tribal areas, attended by Jabbar and members of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, said the BBC.

At this gathering, Jabbar was put forward as leader of the new group which was given the task of organising Mumbai-style attacks in Britain, France and Germany, the source told the British broadcaster.

Intelligence from the meeting led to the drone attack on September 8 which killed Jabbar and three others, said the BBC.


American Rose said...

You're welcome Europe! Remember, we are your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

And here we are willing to fight for those Western values that you all are letting pass into mooslum hands.

Vous êtes bienvenu!
Sie sind willkommen!
Είστε ευπρόσδεκτοι!
U bent welkom!
Siete benvenuto!
De nada!
Você é bem-vindo!

Ray Boyd said...

He is a Pakistani who has gained British citizenship, and as such he could be deported from Britain . . . . if he wasn’t dead already. God bless the Predators and Reapers . . . . keep up the good work.

Epaminondas said...

We should announce we are stopping our drone sorties because too many 'innocents' are being harmed.

Then we should do so.

For about a week