Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Obama Chia Pet

According to Don't Press "One" For English:
It comes in two different styles: the “Determined” Obama and the “Happy” Obama. Perhaps they will soon offer a third model, the “Desperate, Unmasked” Obama.
Commercial which really aired last year:

See the entire line of the Proud to Be American Chia series HERE.

There's also a Hillary Chia. Only 3 left in stock!


Who buys this stuff?

Was there really a market for Obama Chias right after his inauguration? Amazon is showing that there are plenty of Obama Chias in stock.

And don't miss THIS advertised on one of the same pages as Obama Chias: How to Live with a Huge Penis: Advice, Meditations, and Wisdom for Men Who Have Too Much.


Trencherbone said...

Barbarism in Papua. Obama(pbuh) sacrifices
Christians to the Devil (aka Allah).

Silverfiddle said...

I'm holding out for the "ex-president Obama"...

cjk said...

Three items here: Dick/Obama/Cheap Fad.

How about some variety?

Pastorius said...

Something tells me "huge dick" is NOT a problem Obama has.