Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Troll Says What?


Pictured here: Abdoos and his chess/life partner

For the record, I am now deleting Abdoos' posts when they show a lack of reading comprehension or intellectual dishonesty.

For instance, in another thread he compared the Niqab to the Habit of a nun. A stupid comparison. Two different subjects entirely. A niqab covers the whole face. A habit, like a Hijab, frames the face.

Of course, Abdoos knows that. He is a smart guy. I believe he posts stuff like this because he has, simply, taken to trolling for a dumb argument. Perhaps his purpose is now simply to attempt to find someone to dance like a marionette on the strings of his illogic.

From now on, I will paraphrase his dumbest posts as, "Idiot says, Niqab the same as nun habit ..."

or something to that effect.

We will not see his name when he posts stupid things.

I'm tired of his silly stuff.

If he wants to make a real argument, with a fair analysis of whatever subject we are dealing with, then fine.

But, as long as he is doing what he is doing, he is simply a troll, and others spend their time arguing with him, and that does no good.

At least this is the way I feel about it at this time. If others would like me to leave his idiotic posts up, let me know. I'll do it.


Silverfiddle said...

A nun's habit is also voluntary for a minuscule subset of Catholic women who choose to live a cloistered life.

It says much about the incoherency of the liberal message that its advocates must make such stupid arguments

Pastorius said...

Idiot says,

"If you make niqab/burqa illegal, it is no longer a democracy."

Likewise, if you make murder illegal, no one has the choice to murder anymore, so you no longer have a democracy, I guess.

Bad argument. Another troll argument.

A reasonable argument would consider the reality of the burqa/niqab which is, it is a face-covering, and, as such, it takes away the identity of an individual human being. A reasonable argument would question whether that is a positive form of self-abnegation for the purpose of worship. And, a reasonable argument would question how to balance a person's private decision on such vs. the right of the public to see the faces of the human beings around them. Additionally, a reasonable argument would consider whether there is coercion by threat of force involved in the decisions of individual women to wear the burqa/niqab.

Epaminondas said...

" abdooss said..." can you not comprehend that these 'arguments' you typically make add nothing?

They are non sequiturs demonstrating lack of understanding

Over and out.

abdooss said...

Epa (& P),

Thank You for showing the errors of my way.

No, I'm not mocking you.

I'm learning something new here.

Pastorius said...

Epa was reacting to yet another post from the idiot.

Idiot says, "Drugs, don't take away my drugs. I like drugs."

A reasonable argument would consider the benefits of individuals mind-expansion, letting off of steam, right to have fun, etc. vs. the cost to society.

Idiots don't attempt to have reasonable arguments.

I wonder if Abdoos spends half his chess matches, against his chess partner, under the table, contemplating his next "move".

Pastorius said...

What you are learning is we are fed up with your posts, which are just bait towards unreasonable arguments.

And, perhaps, if you really read my summary of your arguments vs. my suggestions of what a reasonable argument might be, you might find that we are not as stupid as you seem to think we are.

abdooss said...

In my country, anyone can wear what they want, as long as they don't cause any disturbance.

A woman may wear anything (as long as she is not nude in public). It is a free country. We also have ladies of the night (and also transvestites) who show off their assets, to attract clients. We also have women wearing niqab, but rarely. Most of them are free to go anywhere they want and to do anything as long as they abide by the law.

I tend to ignore them all, as they do not mess with my life.

What I don't understand is why should I hate the niqab if that is her choice?

abdooss said...

I meant to say ; "All of them are free .. " NOT "most of them.."

Pastorius said...

Are you aware that women are forced, under threat of violence, to wear the Niqab and/or Burqa in many parts of the world.

I suspect this is true in Malaysia as well.

revereridesagain said...

Is there a reason we are posting abdoos' comments at all? Abdoos is a walking waste of time who contributes nothing to the discussion. Let him try to ear his 72 niquabed houris somewhere else.

Anonymous said...


Abdoss's comments are mostly a waste of time in my opinion.

I remember getting into arguments with him also and it just goes round and round in a flippin' circle and has no point.

I have been treating him like a troll for a long time now, whenever I see his name, I ignore it and whenever I see someone else addressing him, I mostly ignore that too.

As for what goes on in Malaysia, The Anti-Jihadist would be a great source on that. I have been to Malaysia 3 or 4 times and I have seen a lot of women wearing both Niqab and Hijab. Whether they're forced or not, I don't know. Knowing Islam, I don't doubt that in a lot of cases it is. But Malaysia is an Islamic country at the end of the day. So I don't care if they ban the Burqa or even men start wearing it.

However, Europe has every right to not only ban the burqa but burn the dang thing in public alongwith the Quran if they wanted to. If Muslims don't like that, they can pack up and leave to the craphole they came from or if they were born there and don't like it then they can MIGRATE to a craphole and live with people that agree with them.

Pastorius said...

I agree, AA. If Muslims want to live in a Sharia-state, get the fuck out. That's it.

Remember a few years back, there was a poll in the UK and 40% of Muslims under 30 said they want Sharia in the UK.

Get the fuck out. Move to fucking Saudi Arabia.

As, as for the Niqab and Burqa, as far as I am concerned, wherever, whenever I see it, for me, it is the same thing as seeing a swastika. When I see the burqa/niqab, I know I am in the presence of a Jihadist bent on establishing Sharia in our land.

dalie said...

I wear hijab,& I'm not forced to wear it, but lots of my friends are not wearing it too. It is basically on your own choice. Our Prime Minister's wife also don't wear hijab. I like wearing hijab koz they make me feel complete as a Muslim.

Talk all you want, Your opinion doesn't matter.

Anonymous said...