Monday, December 13, 2010

Assange leaks US list of critical infrastructure sites for America worldwide..just in case Al Qaeda/Hizballah/IRGC wants one


Cable provided country-by-country list of critical infrastructural sites

A leaked U.S. cable from the secretary of state to all foreign posts identifies critical U.S. national security infrastructure and those elements located overseas that could impact U.S. security.

The security of import and export terminals at the Suez Canal in Egypt are considered crucial to U.S. interests, according to the cable.

The list of facilities was produced as part of the National Infrastructure Protection Plan that identifies key domestic sectors for protection as 18 sectors. They include agriculture and food; defense industrial base; energy; healthcare and public health; national monuments and icons; banking and finance; drinking water and water treatment systems; chemical; commercial facilities; dams; emergency services; commercial nuclear reactors, materials, and waste; information technology; communications; postal and shipping; transportation and systems; government facilities; and critical manufacturing.

"The overarching goal of the NIPP is to build a safer, more secure, and more resilient America by enhancing protection of the nation's [critical infrastructure/key resources] CI/KR to prevent, deter, neutralize or mitigate the effects of deliberate efforts by terrorists to destroy, incapacitate or exploit them; and to strengthen national preparedness, timely response, and rapid recovery in the event of an attack, natural disaster or other emergency," the cable said.

The February 2009 unclassified cable, made public by WikiLeaks, asked all U.S. diplomatic posts to identify installations that could impact U.S. security including pipelines, communication and transport hubs, such as cable locations and satellite sites. Additionally, several mines in Africa and Asia also are listed as they are involved in producing chemicals used in making batteries.

Funny that we haven't seen one for Iran, Russia, China, or any other CONSCIENCELESS state or system.

Assange should simply be disappeared.

Say nothing and shrug.

Espionage can be an act of war, and this moron's damage promises to far outstrip Awlaki's, or to DIRECT IT

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1 comment:

Chuck said...

This is one of the things that has bugged me the most about all of this. Holder acts like there are no laws to charge the man with. I find it hard to believe this isn't against the law.

Assange should simply be disappeared.

I agree. We have to know the name of a sub-contractor in Britain.