Monday, December 20, 2010

Posted on December 19th, 2010


On December 2, 2010, the Pew Research Center released the results of a new poll of seven Muslim countries – - Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Turkey – - that substantiate claims that 10% of Muslims worldwide support al-Qaeda and sanction terrorist attacks against American soldiers and civilians.

But the true figure of Muslims in these countries who support radical Islam might be substantially higher since the pollsters could not conduct their research in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan, where al Qaeda and the Taliban. Moreover, the pollsters avoided such hotbeds of Islamic terrorism as Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia.

The new Pew poll shows the following percentages of support for al-Qaeda: 34 percent of Jordanians, 49 percent of Nigerian Muslims, 3 percent of Lebanese, 20 percent of Egyptians, 23 percent of Indonesians, 18 percent of Pakistanis, and 4 percent of Turks.

Translated into real numbers, the findings are staggering: 129,942,000 Muslims in just six Islamic countries support al-Qaeda. The present world population of Muslims is estimated at 1.2 billion, giving credence to reports that more than 10% of Islamists support universal jihad.

A 2007 Pew Poll on American Muslims revealed that 75,000 American Muslims supported al-Qaeda and 120,000 American Muslims believed that bombings against civilians in the defense of Islam are justified.

The findings of the two polls may be used to show that Islamophobia is not an irrational mental condition.

The Pew report coincides with an al-Qaeda video distributed on October 23, 2010. In it, al-Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn airs al-Qaeda’s poor view of the majority of Muslims. According to Gadahn, one part of the global Muslim community is apostate; another is victim to lustful, worldly influences; and a third (perhaps largest) portion has lost the ability to think for themselves, allowing clerics to turn them against al-Qaeda and the jihad.

Gadahn and other leaders of the mujahadeen should take heart in the latest findings.

As the December 2010 WikiLeaked cables reveal, no nation has been able to stem the tide of financial support to al-Qaeda, especially from wealthy donors in the Gulf region.

With attacks increasing against the homeland, and a new and vigorous media campaign underway to turn American Muslims into lone wolf attackers, it is exceedingly unlikely that the global jihad — or the direct threat it poses to the U.S. — will end any time soon.

Merry Christmas.


Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, Saudi Air Force Training Base to be Sited in Idaho courtesy of Trevor Loudon's New Zealand blog

Damien said...

Midnight Rider,

People need to be scared of stuff like this. People need to realize that we have enemies.

Also if they insist that criticizing Islam is an attack on Muslims than we need to tell them to go pound sand. If any Christian group tried they'd be laughed at. If somethings true, it should be a defense.

Damien said...

Midnight Rider,

At least Australia's supreme court made the right decision in this case.

revereridesagain said...

OK, if this is part of the Muslim worldview, that means EVERY moo-slum views every criticism of Islam as a personal insult that must be avenged in money, humiliation, incarceration, and/or blood. It certainly explains why we haven't heard them open their mouths to criticize their "faith" over the past 10 years.

I'll take these buggers at their word. Islam is vile and so are they. The "but most Muslims are really nice people" is invalid so long as these "nice people" equate criticism of their irrational system of mythologies and taboos with personal attacks and feel compelled to respond to via force and/or fraudulent manipulation of our legal system.

We can either pussyfoot around the little buggers and refrain from ever saying a harsh word about Eye-slam, or we can stick the overflowing sewer that is Islamic "thought" in their faces, up their noses, down their craws and a few other places until they effing well choke on it and on their own bile.

This is just a personal plea, but I think this is important: Please, please refrain from comments about how "most Muslims are law-abiding/moderate/nicefriendlyfolks/onlywantpeace", yadda yadda yadda. This notion that to question the religion is to insult them personally is THEIRS not OURS. They must be taught the consequences of such an attitude in a free, rational society: you harm another person for making you "feel bad" and it's your ass that ends up grassed, not theirs.

This does not mean we have to feel obligated to expose ourselves to being dragged into court every week by some rag/baghead who takes offense at what we've said. Because nothing says the have to KNOW who said it/wrote it/peed it in the snow/use your imagination.

Yes it's harsh. Think about the alternative given the facts as stated in this video and elsewhere. What's the choice?


cjk said...

Basic problem is that speaking the TRUTH can be illegal in some cases, that's the root of the whole argument here.

In Christianity the TRUTH is paramount and untouchable and indeed 'sets one free'.

The West's core problem is that it has and is jettisoning it's moral basis and therefore is becoming increasingly defenseless against these crocked, crooked, inane, arguments. After all everything is relative in the mind of the 'new' Western man, ha, ha, ha.

100 years ago when the West still had it's Judeo-Christian basis moral and cultural basis, these arguments would never have made it anywhere near a court of law. They wouldn't have even been attempted for fear of such resounding a resulting embarrassment and rejection.

The same fools who despise our moral heritage don't even realize that what they despise is exactly that which has given them the ability to openly despise it in the first place.