Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Many Blacks in US Say Slavery Was a Good Thing

A classic post from Bernie at Planck's Constant:
Muhammad captured slaves, sold slaves, bought slaves as gifts of pleasure, received slaves as gifts, and used slaves for work.  The Sira is exquisitely clear on the issue of slavery.
Most people reading the title to this article will not believe that I am serious or believe that it could possibly be true. I have no doubt that even racist neo-Nazi skinheads who consider blacks less intelligent than a pile of bricks will not believe that any black person would be ignorant enough, stupid enough to think that slavery was a good thing for blacks.

So no, there aren't any Blacks so stupid, so uneducated, so backward as to believe that slavery was a good thing.

That is so because we are taught in school, we read in history books, we see on television the truth: that slavery is a brutal system under which slaves endured inhumane treatment and indignities. That it is a barbaric throwback not to be tolerated in civilized society.

But young Americans are not taught the truth about and are consequently ignorant of another ideology of oppression even more savage than slavery, a system which traditionally accepted the institution of slavery and even helped spread it throughout the world 1 and which was responsible for the deaths of more than a hundred million blacks: Islam.

Yet thousands of blacks convert to Islam every year ignorant of the true nature of the political system they are joining.

Go read the whole thing.

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