Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Message To "Moderate" Muslims


Damien said...


Nice video. I wonder who created it.

Anonymous said...

Nothing at all I'd disagree with in the video, h o w e v e r...

If it really is intended for "islamomoderate" viewers (rather than just being another eye-opener for fellow infidels) there is just one little glitch. Atheists (and I am one) tend to place enormous faith in the concept and power of reason to persuade or change hearts and minds. We tend to suppose the word and question "why" is the ultimate key to unlocking all the doors of perception. In effect, we automatically project "critical thinking" onto all other humans as though it were a natural and universal human trait.

Muhammad viewed critical type thinking as a threat to his big project, so he innoculated it against the question "why". Whenever "why" pops in to a human mind it must be suppressed immediately because it has been placed there by a demon. To ask "why" is to challenge the authority of Allah and his prophet. Thus, in an islamic mind "why" is treated a lot like "I need a smoke" gets treated in the mind of an ex-smoker. It gets squashed fast.

Atheists would do well to keep their critical thinking to themselves with regard to Muhammad's big project supporters and place their faith intead in the power of mockery, bullets, and bombs - as well as in educating their fellow infidels.

Pastorius said...

I don't know.

I must admit, I like Citizen Warrior's "Message to Moderate Muslims" better. As you know, that is linked in our sidebar.

Thanks. I especially liked the last part about mockery, bullets and bombs.

Absolutely right. Reason does not work as a response to Islam.

Though, now that I have written that, I do believe Father Zakarias Boutros would disagree.