Monday, December 20, 2010

Will The Islamic World Freak Out Tonight?

There will be a total eclipse of the moon in the wee hours of Tuesday, December 21, over much of the West.

The eclipse will not be visible in Saudi Arabia. The map:

According to this source:
An eclipse is a sign of the majesty and power of Allah.
I imagine that various imams will interpret this lunar eclipse as some kind of sign of Islam's power over the West. Allah's will and a sign from Allah and all that. Moslems are exceedingly superstitious and see signs of Allah's will in nearly everything.


Silverfiddle said...


They rioted, burned and bombed over some stupid cartoons, so the Good Lord only know what they'll do over this.

More importantly, you make a key point. The Imams and other puppet masters cannot be so stupid as to believe an eclipse has any special power, but they will surely use things like this to manipulate the sweaty, superstitious hordes.

revereridesagain said...

And it's Christmas week. Hordes of sweaty, superstitious shaheed wannabes with Sudden Jihad Syndrome believing that Allah has given them a Sign and frantically looking up websites on how to build an IED all over the internet. This could wind up sounding like a very amplified Chinese New Year parade.

Trencherbone said...

If the moon goes out they'll blame the Jooooooooooooooooooooooooz.

Damien said...

Always On Watch,

Too bad for them we a perfectly rational scientific explanation for all this.

Pastorius said...

"If the moon goes out"

I love it.

Reliapundit said...

would be a good time to bomb iran.

revereridesagain said...

Now, that WOULD be interesting...