Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Anwar al Awlaki: Jihadists should steal from disbelievers

From Good Shit:


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has released the fourth volume of its Inspire magazine online and it features a potentially revealing commentary by al Qaeda cleric Anwar al Awlaki. In an article entitled “The Ruling on Dispossessing the Disbelievers [sic] wealth in Dar al-Harb,” Awlaki argues that jihadists should not rely exclusively on donations and that instead they have the right to loot “disbelievers” in order to finance their activities.

“Our jihad cannot depend wholly on donations made by Muslims,” Awlaki writes. Pointing to the past, Awlaki argues that Muslim forces have typically relied upon raids against disbelievers, as well as taxes paid by non-Muslim peoples to finance jihad.


Damien said...


I'm not at all surprised by this. They need money to finance their campaign, and they have no respect for non Muslims who don't live as their slaves. The only thing about this, that kind of surprises me is that Al Queda publishing an English language magazine.

Pastorius said...

Yep. And this is the fourth issue.