Monday, January 17, 2011

China enters the summit in a new era as Don Barzini

“Kim’s a pimp. He never coulda outfought the South. But I didn’t know until this day, that it was Hu all along.”

The DF-21

The J-20

Chinese military plans

History of Lenovo

Manipulation of Yuan with artificially low wages to kill US manufacturing

Maintenance of Hong Kong as world’s freest economy to generate cash

Right now the Chinese have managed to take a 4th world std of living and it’s associated manufacturing costs, suck in OUR and our allies manufacturing in a what is STILL a command economy, in a dictatorship, bring up the std of living, pour cash into R&D, engineering and military R&D and espionage, and use the EQUITY of the american real estate economy of the last 15 years which was in effect, spent in China as the basis for the power they are arrogantly exerting right now.

They are BEHIND the actions they could otherwise easily end in N Korea, friends of Iran and act against our allies, and FREEDOM wherever they can.

We have the wrong admin, with the wrong ideas, at the wrong time.

The harsh realities of China must be recognized before we even BEGIN to react, and plan for the next 5 moves ECONOMICALLY, never mind militarily.


Pastorius said...


We need to start thinking FIRST, what if this move by China was meant as an offensive weapon in a war against us.

Instead, we think, well maybe they are just serving their own best interest.

They are making it clear, they believe it to be in their best interest to deal us a mortal blow.

Silverfiddle said...

I'd like to know what "the establishment" really thinks of China vis a vis the US. Bush senior strenuously defended them, Clinton gave them secrets, Henry Kissinger works for them, and Obama is simply following the well-worn path...

ACE(india) said...

Dont worry America...we got your back...hehehe..
On a more serious note:
In india we are really annoyed with chinese ignorance , lying and "bullying". Last year they "advised" our prime minister not to visit the indian state of arunachal pradesh. Look at their arrogance, and they started to claim this state just a few years ago by tactfully calling it "southern tibet". Imagine telling Obama "dont visit texas, thats our territory".
That country is held together by a hateful resentment of "national humiliation". They blame( to an extent correctly) the west for their colonization and poverty. They hate the Japanese to the death, want to screw with Taiwan and want to stomp all over us.
Any way we are not gonna go down that easy, to counter the J-20, we got co-development with Russian T-50, We got missiles that can hit Beijing and chinese northern territory, and we got Nukes to face existential threats. By mid 2011 we will complete our nuclear Triad with the induction of indigenous nuke sub.
Just hope that like Tunisia chinese people revolt for a more peaceful government.

Alexander Münch said...

Nicely said ACE(india) !

Thumbs up !

Epaminondas said...

SF, it's hard for me to believe that those who understand what is possible in the political world, and how capital flows to the least resistance did not in fact URGE ON the current idea of 'free trade' knowing the galactically staggering sums to be made by holding prices steady and GUTTING manufacturing costs by allowing 'free trade' to dictate which 3rd and 4th world nations become the focus of new manufacturing at $3/day.

The only question in my mind is if they understood where the ultimate repository of capital would be, when they were looking at Indonesia, Mexico, Malaysia, etc.

One has only to listen to Mr. Trump woe REALLY gets it over China.

The Chinese danger is NOT military (YET), but when the INTEREST on the US debt is larger than the entire defense dept budget (something which will be fact sometime in the next 24 months) DOES IT HAVE TO BE?

Any nation whose working conditions do not reflect the realities of conditions HERE, CANNOT be a partner in 'free trade'. That means high import barriers. If that means outright trade war.. the USA will emerge stronger than others at the end and my primary concern is THAT.

Unbelievably, I find myself on the side of the unions in this. BUt they are right.

Free trade as currently practiced is a complete canard.

This is the place to start.

The public MUST be made to see that it's either Walmart pricing or full employment at AMERICAN WAGES.

Silverfiddle said...

E: I agree with you. And it is not odd to find conservatives and libertarians in the same camp as the unions on this one.

You are so right in stating that it's not free trade when you're trading with a mercantilist nation that keeps wages and conditions at slavery levels in a beggar (and bugger) thy neighbor policy.

Again, I wonder why we encouraged all of this? Stupidity? Nefarious maneuverings by shady conspirators?