Monday, January 10, 2011

Pima County Sheriff Dupnik Blamed Right Wing for Slaughter But Details Emerge of Multiple Contacts between Jared Loughner and the Sheriffs office over Multiple Death Threats

Really, what more needs to be said. 

This guy decided to shoot his mouth off on a national stage, and look what he is going to reap; exactly what he sowed.

Game over, freak. Go crawl back in your hole, you pathetic excuse for a Sheriff.

Click on the title to get the whole story at Atlas Shrugs.

Nice nose


American Rose said...

Stupid partisan idiot.

I apologize for the "vitriol," but he's a stupid partisan idiot.

I'm loving all the stuff being dug up on the biggest preachers on this tragedy, including Olberdouche saying that Hillary needed to be offed back in the primaries.

Infidel Task Force said...

this sheriff looks like the late Karl Malden.
I mean now...not when Karl was living...

Pastorius said...

Does one have to earn a nose like that, or does one just come by it naturally?

christian soldier said...

the scum-I mean Dem Sheriff Dupnik-time for you to go..!!!

American Rose said...

That nose, like WC Field's, says "Hello Bartender."

midnight rider said...

Um, no, that's the nose of a Polack. Trust me, I nknow.


(thank gawd I got some German blood to help mitigate my proboscisity)

cjk said...

Just another poster boy Demonrat.
His main identifying character is hypocrisy.

Pastorius said...

You have a nose like that, MR?

Of course, Karl Malden didn't seem like a drunk and he, as mentioned, had a nose like that.

midnight rider said...

Same shape, a tad smaller. My Polish/Russian grandparents, though, had it.

Malden was a Slavic, too. Serbian and Czech.

Most of the Poles and Russians (and other Slavs) I know have that shape, differing sizes.

As for WC Fields most people think his was from drinking but it was actually a physical condition called rosacea. Fields was, nevertheless, a heavy drinker later in life.

Pastorius said...

Well then, let's give a more valid criticism of Dumnikshit. His fucking thinking is clouded. There's gotta be a reason for that.

midnight rider said...

His nose gets in the way and he can't see clearly?


American Rose said...

And drinkers get rosacea worse if they're predisposed. I've always been able to tell a drinker by their nose and their broken capilaries on their face, particularly their nose and cheeks, and their enlarged pores.

But, I don't know how you can be a heavy drinker and be a sheriff for 30 years? And yet, Rush sure had everyone duped doing his show high as a kite. And that's the thing about addicts of any kind, they do a great job of compensating and hiding their addiction.

I wouldn't be surprised to find out that he partakes a little more than a couple a day.

Pastorius said...

And yet, Rush sure had everyone duped doing his show high as a kite.

I knew there was something wrong with Rush the last month or so of his show before he went into rehab, but that was because I could tell something was wrong with his voice.

Pastorius said...

One can drink a tremendous amount and still think and compensate, if one is not a physical addict.

I've seen it before.

Pastorius said...

My point is, not everyone who drinks heavily is actually physically addicted to alcohol.

I've seen the difference in my own personal life. It is a stunning thing to behold.