Sunday, February 13, 2011

CPAC: Ron Paul and his Followers Demonstrate They are a Cancer to the Republican Party

From Ace of Spades:

It's been a blessed three years since we've had to hear from or about Rep. Ron Paul or his racist, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. Unfortunately, he's back on the national stage after paying for a couple hundred college students to go to CPAC.
As I wrote the other day, his paid-for followers were the most classless group of people at CPAC. They frequently interrupted the speakers with yells of "war criminal", "draft dodger", and "show us the shekels." And they greeted Ron Paul's paean to isolationist disengagement with glee.
That was too much for Young Americans for Freedom, which promptly expelled Paul from their advisory board.
“YAF’s concerns with Rep. Paul stem out of his delusional and disturbing alliance with the fringe anti-war movement,” the press release declared. Specifically, they’re upset about Paul’s “journey into the anti-war left by laying the blame on America for the unprovoked attacks of September 11th. Additionally, Rep. Paul has not condemned the 9/11 ‘Truther’ conspiracy theorists that support him, and he has repeatedly insisted that the United States not bring justice to those who have murdered thousands of our civilians and soldiers at home and abroad.”


Josh Kruschke said...

Interesting post with the meddle, dictating to other nations and general nation building. I'm more in line with Ron Paul and the founders, and their belief that we should have strong national defense and stay out of the affairs of other nations. You do mess with us and we will bury you.

We spend close to what the rest of the world does combined on our military. Rufly 70% of that is spent on defending other contries boarders (we cant even secure our own). In a lot of them we spend more than they do them selves.

What does this get us? Ever more entangled in other peoples problems. We need to deal with things that affect us directly and stay out of the rest. We are not the world police and we can no longer afford to act so.

That is Ron Paul's position. That was the majority of the Founders Position.


Pastorius said...

Can you explain the "shekels" heckling?

Josh Kruschke said...

I guess they don't like Rumsfeld and think he was a bureaucratic hack. I'm not them so I couldn't really tell you.
Did Ron Paul call for it or was it over zealous suporters. You blaming someone for the actions of someone else?


Pastorius said...

Do you know what a "shekel" is?

Always On Watch said...

If the GOP goes down the Ron Paul road, the Party is finished!

Pastorius said...

Yes, that's right. It's also the modern day monetary unit of Israel.

So, why do you think they used the Israeli (Jewish) monetary unit, rather than, say, the word "dollar"?

Epaminondas said...

All this doesn't even matter.
These Paulista, ex Lyndon Larouche freakazoids CANNOT interlink with objective reality

RON PAUL KNOWINGLY TOOK AND KEPT MONEYS FROM STORMFRONT FOUNDER AND LEADER DON BLACK .. and said nothing after being endorsed by Hutton Gibson, the famous 'jewfighter's' father.

Epaminondas said...

American Thinker has extensively covered the troubling links between Ron Paul's campaign and neo-Nazis. For their trouble they were blasted by some critics, and subjected to a torrent of abusive letters from Ron Paul supporters.

Pastorius said...

I wonder with Joskie would have to say about that.