Sunday, February 06, 2011

I Believe I Have Found The Word: Its Not Democracy, It is...

Ochlocracy ("rule of the general populace") is democracy ("rule of the people") spoiled by demagoguery, "tyranny of the majority" and the rule of passion over reason.


cjk said...

Excellent, I suggest a slight adjustment, Theochlocracy

Pastorius said...

That's good. Thanks for that. Ochlocracy is an official sounding name for mob rule, torches and pitchforks, or suicide bombing and honor killings.

Anonymous said...

here is proof of the Oligharcy

Anonymous said...

...cjk said..Theochlocracy..

so it sounds like you are aware of the Dominionist take over of the Government..?
Leo Strauss was born in 1899 and died in 1973. ... He is most famous for resuscitating Machiavelli and introducing his principles as the guiding philosophy of the neo-conservative movement. ... More than any other man, Strauss breathed upon conservatism, inspiring it to rise from its atrophied condition and its natural dislike of change and to embrace an unbounded new political ideology that rides on the back of a revolutionary steed, hailing even radical change; hence the name Neo-Conservatives.

Significantly, Dominionism is a form of Social Darwinism.[48] It inherently includes the religious belief that wealth-power is a sign of God’s election. That is, out of the masses of people and the multitude of nations, wealth, in and of itself, is thought to indicate God’s approval on men and nations whereas poverty and sickness reflect God’s disapproval.
(It was not until I read this article that I realized that this is a fundamental tenet of Dominionists.
Worldly wealth and power are signs of God's favor -- to attempt to limit or decrease one's wealth and power is to disrespect God.
On the contrary, God's elect on Earth are called upon to increase their wealth and power.
It is not sufficient for a man to be a millionaire, or for a country to have sovereignty within its borders -- a man must strive to increase his wealth as much as possible, and a Dominionist government's behavior toward its neighbors must be "invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity".

Furthermore, any attempt to decrease a person's or a country's wealth and power -- to take from the rich to give to the poor, to reduce military spending and power is a direct attack on God.)
Put all the enemies of the Dominionists together, boil them down to liquid and bake them into the one single most highly derided and contaminated individual known to man, and you will have before you an image of the quintessential “liberal” -- one of those folks who wants to give liberally to the poor and needy -- who desires the welfare and happiness of all Americans -- who insists on safety regulations for your protection and who desires the preservation of your values -- those damnable people are the folks that must be reduced to powerlessness -- or worse: extinction.
What would a “reconstructed” America look like under the Dominionists? K.L. Gentry, a Dominionist himself, suggests the following “elements of a theonomic approach to civic order,” which I strongly suggest should be compared to the Texas GOP platform of 2002, which reveals that we are not just talking about imaginary ideas but some things are already proposed on Republican agendas.[ Gary North describes the ‘just restitution’ system of the bible, which happens to reinstitute slavery,like this:
“At the other end of the curve, the poor man who steals is eventually caught and sold into bondage under a successful person. His victim receives payment; he receives training; his buyer receives a stream of labor services. If the servant is successful and buys his way out of bondage, he re-enters society as a disciplined man, and presumably a self-disciplined man. He begins to accumulate wealth.”

Anonymous said...

To Anon,

I think you have done a great job of completely missing the point of this post.

For those that are mistaken, this post is about defining what Egypt and most Muslim countries want when they say "democracy".

And the answer is that it isn't democracy, it is ochlocracy. So just so we're clear, this post is about Muslims and not conspiracy theories.

Pastorius said...


Epaminondas said...

AA you are right on.


cjk said...

@ Anon: Actually I just added the Theo because of the overwhelming religious aspect to everything done in any majority Mohammedan nation.

What you're describing is a very anti-Christian philosophy by the way according to the Bible.

You sound like some hack lefty trying to throw mud at the Republican party by the way.
Maybe I'm wrong though.