Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Jawa's Rusty Shackleford on Egypt: Here It Is At Last, The End of The World

Current Mood: Hoarding Ammo

Call me an alarmist. That's cool. You might be right. But with Hizbollah taking over in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza, and the possibility that the Muslim Brotherhood takes over in Egypt lots of old Sunday school lessons on pre vs. post-tribulational premillenialism comes to mind.

I've always been inclined toward the latter over the former. Mostly because I'm a pessimist by nature. Since none of the arguments seem very good, and with a track record of nearly 0/100 going all the way back to Paul himself, I might as well arbitrarily pick the one suited to my nature: pessimism. Plus, all you pre-tribulational rapture folks aren't driven to do cool things, like buy lots of guns and ammo. Worst case scenario is that I'm wrong, but the kind of wrong where you get to spend an odd weekend or two a month shooting at things. I call it awesome wrong.

But what does this have to do with Egypt? I dunno, only everything. As the days go on and this thing drags out I keep getting more pessimistic about both Egypt and the future of Israel vis-a-vis its neighbors. Visions of apocalyptic confrontations dance in my head. I don't think this is going to end well.

The problem with the talking heads on the Egyptian revolution is that they are mostly upper and middle class people. It is liberals in Egypt and those who fled Egypt who keep assuring us that Egypt is a moderate country and that there is no way the Muslim Brotherhood will take over once Mubarak falls. Okay, maybe.

But if Egypt is so full of moderates, then why do 82% of Egyptians believe that those caught in adultery should be stoned to death? Worse, 84% of Egyptians believe that any one leaving Islam should be killed.
Go read the whole thing.


Anonymous said...

got no arguments against any of that.

everything points to shit gearing up for some big bang. not a whimper.

Anonymous said...

I guess you could look at it biblicaly
in which case the shit is gonna hit the fan,

or you can look at it secularly, in which case, the shit is gonna hit the fan.

midnight rider said...

That's what I liek about you, RUmcrook. Always able to see both sides of the coin :)

Me? I'm with Rusty. Totally and especially hoarding ammo and shooting at things. But with one exception.

I'm rooting for the Packers.

Pastorius said...

The Lakers suck this year. World might as well end.


Anonymous said...

pastorius thats not really a reason for the world to end, just for california to end....

of course thats not the only reason for cali to end....

sorry bubba your in a ship being piloted by the rats squabling over the crumbs while it heads over the waterfalls at the end of the earth.

Pastorius said...

As a true Californian, I believe the whole world revolves around Hollywood.

Anonymous said...

lol smirk