Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mubarak: I'm Staying



Anonymous said...


Well, it is good to know that Baradei is interested in a peaceable resolution and not looking to stir things up. /sarc

Pastorius said...

Didn't El Bardei get nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize?

midnight rider said...

Oh, my friend, Like Al Whore, Jimmah Carter, and the enlightened annointed one he won it. The company you keep. . .

And, after watching today's schoolyard amateurism dealing with Egypt and the MB and the enlightened annointed one being disspirited that Mubarak didn't step down, I tremble and fear for the fate (what's left) of my country. (Disspirited?!?! Get a fucking grip man. Grow a pair!)

Mubarak telling us to fuck off. While they are taking battering rams to the Presidential Palace's Black Gate. Saying(a few days ago I think) something to the effect that I am an Arab Warrior, not a Community Organizer (wish I could cite that one but I don't remember where I saw it).