Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Texas School District Backs Off Mandatory Arabic Classes

From Atlas Shrugs:

Good job, freedom lovers. You fought back against mandatory Arabic Classes in Public School in Texas.

"It shows how we mischaracterized, we willfully misunderstand Islam. Yes, on the face of it, yes, Arabic is a language. In a sense there would be no difference between opening a foreign language school -- a Spanish language school or a french language school -- but in fact Arabic is more than a language. It is explicated the language of Islam, so in that sense it is part of the Islamic religious imperial project. Radical Islam advances through the Arabic language. And you go all kinds of places that aren't in the Arab world now, like Pakistan, Indonesia, Central Asia, the Balkans, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Canada and the United States, and you will here those Imams preaching in Arabic. Arabic is not just another language like French or Italian, it is the spearhead of an ideological project that is deeply opposed to the United States."
Mansfield backs away from Arabic studies program Star Telegram
The Mansfield school district has backed off plans to implement an Arabic studies program after almost 200 people showed up with questions at a parents meeting at Cross Timbers Intermediate School on Monday night.
Click on the title to read the whole story at Atlas.


Anonymous said...

The source article states:
"Escovedo pointed out that the sixth-grade Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) test also teaches about the Middle East, and that instruction will continue, he said."

In 2008, Michelle Malkin linked TEKS to the pro-Islam bias in Texas junior high school lessons here.

The fact that this grant was not announced early on - involving the entire community, makes it appear the board attempted undermine the earlier decision in September 2010 when "Texas ed board adopted resolution limiting Islam" effectively opening a back door to indoctrinate even younger impressionable students.


Silverfiddle said...

The education department needs to be abolished and the money returned to the taxpayers.

Islam is not the language of the future. God forbid!

It is the language of the past, of murder, head cutting, misogyny, stonings, ignorance, idiotic conspiracies about Jews baking children into bread and sending Jewish sharks to wreck Egypt's tourist economy (as if the street riots haven't done it).

Islam is the language of ignorance, violence, and hateful third world toilets.

American Rose said...

Yeah! Who the hell wants to speak Soddy Barbarian? Not me! Not when there are such beautiful languages out there like French, and German and Italian and Japanese!!!

I was so happy to read this!

Epaminondas said...

I am surprised.
If I had the chance to take arabic free RIGHT NOW, I'D DO IT RIGHT NOW.

And go to work for the people trying to protect us.

Arabic is not Islam, but understanding WHAT IS BEING SAID and the the culture saying it


This may be denying the defense dept 250 translators born in Mansfield Texas in the next 5 years.

Not some Hesham Islam

But SF is right, the Dept of Education should go back to the size it was the day Dwight Eisenhower was elected. About 5000. We seemed to be doing okay. States and MUCH MORE PREFERABLE local towns should be in charge of education and curricula and funds.

Pastorius said...

I see what you mean.

American Rose said...

Those in the intelligence community must learn to speak their language, ... but if I am a kid in high school with the choice of learning a foreign language, I'm not going to choose Arabic. And I certainly don't want anyone forcing me to learn it. What the fuck can you read in Arabic? Nothing except the korshitran. No, this is not a language of beautiful literature. This is a language of repression and deception and manipulation. This was just another ploy to force their backward civilization on us and infiltrate and dominate. Fuck Arabic! It should be outlawed!

Epaminondas said...

What you can read in arabic is THEIR COMMUNICATIONS TO EACH OTHER.


It shouldn't be mandatory but it SHOULD BE OFFERED.


Anyone else want to serve in that way?

Pastorius said...

Yes, actually I'd like to do that.

I remember reading a few years back that they won't hire Jewish translators.

Remember that, Epa?