Tea Party Spokesman: Let's Stop Talking About "Birthers" And Focus On All The "Racers" In The Media
Well. yes, why not?
Conspiracy theories are defined by several important elements:
1. They are constructed specifically to be nonfalsifiable.
2. They postulate "wheels within wheels" hidden reasons and secret agendas moving the world's events. They are crafted precisely as a means of ignoring the real, evidenced, surface reason for an event in favor of an imagined, unevidenced, allegedly "real" reason beneath it.
3. They broadly indict large numbers of vague, unnamed people as being part of the illicit conspiracy. "A conspiracy so vast" that it is pointless to name this specific person or that as being in the conspiracy.
4. They are purposely constructed by those with a less-than-exhaustive knowledge base about a subject in order to have a justification to ignore all that knowledge (of which the conspiracist is ignorant); that is, the conspiracist looks for a theory in which his lack of knowledge is irrelevant, and postulates further still that those with knowledge are actually compromised as analysts because their minds are clouded by petty details, whereas the more "unencumbered by knowledge" conspiracy theorist is not so blinded by facts and can see the "big picture."
5. A critical -- the critical -- psychological purpose of a conspiracy theory is to make a complex world simple enough for the simple to understand, and in addition give those believing in the conspiracy theory a moral sheen as well -- they are "brave" for seeing the truth that so many others refuse to see. In two ways, then -- intellectual and moral -- the conspiracy theory serves as a vanity, and as a dubious reason for self-valuation.
By those classic elements of a conspiracy theory, yes, the stupid media, lacking in knowledge about virtually everything except who they have to blow to get a desk-anchor gig, has bought into a simple, stupid, knowledge-diminishing conspiracy theory that everything that happens in America is because White Bitter Clingers Hate Obama Because He's Black.
Hello from South East Asia.
We have been fighting the same battles as you,as the only conservative expat blog in this part of the world.
Ross's Right Angle had been doing well until a scurvy knave sabotaged us at the end of April.
Any one out there who has been baffled by our disappearance can now find the new rossrightangle by looking at
Midnight Rider,
I agree, we have proof beyond reasonable doubt that Obama meets the natural born us citizen requirement for the presidency.
For anyone who thinks its a forgery, you can watch this video, which basically shows how they're grasping at straws.
PROOF!!! Alex Jones's "Experts" Are Incompetent Boobs
As opponents of the Obama administration it does us no good to focus on this and act like there's a conspiracy where there's no compelling evidence of one at all. Opponents of Obama who keep focusing on this nonsense and acting like there's a cover up, will just make themselves look desperate or stupid and do nothing to get a significant number of people to not vote for Obama come next election. If anything, if Obama loses it will be in-spite of the birthers, but if he wins the next election, it maybe at least in part the fault of the birthers, for not attacking his bad policies instead of continuing with this debunked conspiracy theory.
Our president had already showed his US passport to;
1. Get a Passport; http://swampland.blogs.time.com/2008/03/20/obamas_passport_files_hacked/
2. Become a US Senator;
I feel sorry for all the little Birthers, It’s not their fault; it’s your families’ fault that taught you that you were better than other people based on race, creed ethnicity, color, nationality or sex, in short they engrained in you their hate (what a legacy).
But you know at some point you need to grow up and act like an adult and think for yourself and distinguish what is true and what is BS.
But there is where the little Birthers find yourself because we all know it was never about a birth certificate or grades, because we all know you want to go around wearing white sheets, burn crosses and hang people who are not like you, we know that your growth is stunted in your hate, and hate is what this is all about, you will never win anymore, and I feel sorry for all of you. I can only imagine when our President is re-elected what you phonies will lie about next. Oh, and just know, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and sounds like a duck, it’s a duck, the little Birthers are a bunch of racists!
I really don't want to go into much detail, but for a brief period of time, I actually thought there might be something to the birthers' claims, but it had nothing to do with Obama being black. It had to do with his suspicious behavior. However, it soon become clear to me that what the birthers were saying about him being born in Indonesia, or anywhere else outside the US was nonsense. Plus Allen Keys was a birther, and he's black, and based on what I know, he still is. I think that people who cling to this conspiracy theory, do because they really don't like Obama. Legally under the US constitution as it is currently written, you can't become president, unless you were born on US soil. Also they don't want to admit that they were wrong. There were even a few stories here at the IBA which took the birthers claims seriously, before it quickly become apparent that they were full of hot air.
Yeah, it's time to give up on the birth certificate for many reasons, among them that nothing is to be gained now even if BHO were not qualified to be President. I don't take the position that he isn't qualified on the basis of birth, BTW. All the definitive evidence I have seen does point to his fulfilling the Constitutional requirements.
The birth certificate is no longer a distraction that the GOP and others can no longer afford to spend time on.
Always On Watch,
Unfortunately, I don't think the conspiracy nut jobs will give up on it.
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