Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Egypt: Situation Deteriorating Badly and Rapidly

From PJM:
In the wake of bloody Muslim attacks on Egyptian Christians, the New York Times informs us:

“By lifting the heavy hand of the Mubarak police state, the revolution unleashed long-suppressed sectarian animosities that have burst out with increasing ferocity….”

No kidding! Did you think a single Egyptian Christian didn’t know this in February? Why didn’t the media report or the U.S. government understand that this was absolutely inevitable and predictable? But the only mentions of Christians were to claim that they were really enthusiastic about the revolution.

The remaining Christians in most of the Arabic-speaking world may be on the edge of flight or extinction. All of the Christians have left the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip which is, in effect, an Islamist republic. They are leaving the West Bank. Half have departed from an increasingly Islamist-oriented Iraq where they are under terrorist attack. Within a few years they might all be gone.

In Lebanon, while the Christians are holding their own, there is a steady emigration. As for Syria, the community has generally supported the Assad regime fearing a revolutionary Islamist replacement. One dissident recalled that as he was being beaten in a Syrian prison a few years ago, the police yelled at him, “Why are you doing this? You’re a Christian!”

Egypt has more Christians than Israel’s entire population. There have been numerous attacks, with the latest in Cairo leaving 12 dead, 220 wounded, and two churches burned. The Western media generally attributes this to inter-religious battles. Yet Egypt’s Christians, so totally outnumbered and not having any access to the power of the state, have generally kept a low profile.

It is hard to believe that gangs of Christians go out and attack Muslims, especially when the fighting revolves around mobs attacking churches. “How can they say we started it when we are defending our church?” asked one Christian. That makes sense.

The Christians cannot depend on any support from Western churches or governments. Will there be a massive flight of tens or even hundreds of thousands of Christians from Egypt in the next few years?
Next page


Unknown said...

Hi Pasto.
The Plagues coming to Egypt : Hunger.According to the country's statistics agency, only a month's supply of rice is on hand, and four months' supply of wheat.At this rate Egypt will be broke by September.Just guess what the Muslims will do to the Christians if , sorry when food runs out completely?


Gary said...

One solution would be to allocate the Sinai peninsula to the Coptic Christians as an autonomous province of Egypt. America should divert the 2 billion in aid currently given to Egypt to the development of the Sinai peninsula for the benefit of the Copts. The Sinai should be Muslim free since Egypt proper would be Christian free.

Hany said...

I'm a coptic Egyptian and I fully agree with what you said, when I read the international media, I feel as if we were holding machine guns and killing others, well, that's not the truth, nearly 5000 salafists attacked the churches, destroying them before burning them down
Indeed, since this unfortunate revolution, we knew that was gonna happen, but all the idiot west world was applausing, cheering and happy about what happened!!! Nobody thought that 10 millions will suffer for a longtime as a result of this.
The interim gov. isn't doing anything about it. Did you hear about a christian pharmacist slaughtered at her pharmacy 2 weeks back by salafists? or the man they cut his ear? what about the man they threw from 3rd floor. No body was punished when this occured. They think as long as it happened to christians, no harm done.
I am affraid we're heading to a dark tunnel in Egypt. I know a lot of copts now thinking and applying for imigration to one of the western countries (including me). We had enough and we're affraid on our children and families

Pastorius said...

Your solution is brilliant. Thank you. I wonder what Coptics would think of that. I don't know anything about the terrain, though.

Pastorius said...

I don't understand how the leaders in Western Media, nor the governments of the West, could have expected anything other than a new Iran, with the Muslim Brotherhood in the place of the Ayatollahs.

Of course, this has not happened yet in Egypt, nor do I want it to happen. But, that is what I would expect to happen, given what has happened in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Gaza, and Lebanon in the past few years.

There has been no revolution in the Middle East which has turned out positively for anyone other than Muslims.

Pastorius said...

... and even many of the Muslims end up hating the results of their "revolution".