Friday, May 20, 2011


On June 19, 2009

Poll: Israeli Jews See Obama as Pro-Palestinian ..a big MENSA DUH on that one

On March 19, 2010

And what do the people in Israel think? ..check out THESE polls

On April 8th 2010

Every warning about Barack Obama is coming true for americans who believe there MUST be an Israel as a secure refuge

10 days later

Okay it’s time it’s time to think the unthinkable Obamajews

And now the finishing touch, yesterday.

8 miles wide. Less than the distance to the nearest SUPERMARKET. About a third of the distance run in every marathon (which is to say an enemy could run across Israel in 45 minutes).

Ben Gurion airport inside the 10 second range of the most ancient of shoulder fired missiles. Will people remain in such a unsafe place? A nation which could be cut in two by a mob in an hour, let alone an army? A nation surrounded by those who live their lives with this thought.. “Allah willing, you will bury [Israel], and massacre the Jews with your own hands. Allah willing, you will massacre them like we massacred them in Hebron.”

Obama, in attempting to end the lives of another ally with words monors can use to claim otherwise, did not even mention what the unified govt of ‘palestine’ now stands for …

“Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it”

[Peace] initiatives, the so-called peaceful solutions, and the international conferences to resolve the Palestinian problem, are all contrary to the beliefs of the Islamic Resistance Movement. For renouncing any part of Palestine means renouncing part of the religion; the nationalism of the Islamic Resistance Movement is part of its fait

Barack Obama has as of this day sided with these people in an attempt to compel Israel to recognize THIS PRESIDENT’S cowardly and unending attitudes towards America’s friends in the world.

Barack Obama’s continuous attempts to prove our harmlessness towards nations, and systems which mean the AMERICAN PEOPLE ill, and his efforts to make up for past ‘mistakes and evils’ are the basis for all AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY.


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Unknown said...

Hi Epa.
If it were up to Obama Israel would be wiped of the map.There wouldn't even be an '8 miles' Ghetto.

ronmorgen said...

Obama is a super deceiver. He is Muslim, he surrounds himself with anti-Semites, he opposes real Christian’s and all who support Israel , he supports the Islamic revolutions which Iran and all the terrorist organizations support and then he stands there and tells the Jews he will protect them.

There are prophecies in the bible about a man who rises to power through deceit, and then attacks the Jews and Christians, he is almost successful except that Christ returns and destroys him.

This is prophecy fulfilled, he is the Anti-Christ and he just revealed himself.

“That day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed.”
2 Thessalonians 2:3

So, according to this verse Jesus can now come and judge the world and save those who believe. Anyone out there who still doesn’t believe the prophecies had better do a re-evaluation quickly. There’s not much time.

Pastorius said...

The Jewish Temple has not been rebuilt.

Don't you think that is a prerequisite?

ronmorgen said...

Those dispensational teachings are from men. There’s no early escape by rapture, and judgment day is immediate when he comes. By the way, this is what the Catholic church believes, and the early church believed.

Pastorius said...

The Temple as a prerequisite is straight out of Daniel 9.

It's not Darby Dispensationalism.

Pastorius said...

The Catholic Church was, until Benedict, completely blind to the place of Israel and the Jews in the unfolding of the history of this modern era.

ronmorgen said...

I'm not Catholic, I was just giving an example of a large group of Christians who believe what I do. I know that Darby didn't originate it, but before Darby few held that belief. It is presently mainly held in the USA, but not so much before the Hal Linsey days. Lots of supportive movies and pastors of great churches, and bingo! A herasy is embraced which will keep the people ffrom believing that Christ can come today. And they won't be ready.

Pastorius said...

That's a very good point.

I do not see a "rapture" predicted in the Bible. I'm with you on that one.

And, I can see how that could lead to people not recognizing Christ when He does come.


Thing is, I don't expect people to recognize Him any better than they did the first time.

God said to Hosea, "Go marry a whore, so you can know what it is like for Me to love My People."

People do not change.

God does not change.

Thank God He is extremely forgiving and has provided the Lamb for the Sacrifice.