Tuesday, May 10, 2011

John Boehner: Chris Christie, Mitch Daniels should run



We need some people who understand the money issues and the realities of what must be done.

We need some people who understand the job issues.

We need some people unafraid to utter the words that need to be sounded aloud in the right sequence, and unafraid they might not be liked in certain circles if they utter them.

We need some people who are FROM THE PEOPLE, not from a lifetime of academic theory. These guys are the real deal. Christie is from Newark and Livingstone. Daniels comes from Christian immigrants from Syria. Daniels and roomates in college were arrested for weed and LSD. Christie’s wife worked for Cantor Fitzgerald (remember them on 9/11?). She quit after that.

We need people who can be authoritative enough to tell the social issue people .. DROP THE SHIT.

These are the MEN.

Newt might serve as well as Bolton, but IMHO they have such hatred lined up against them it could turn into a Tina Fey fest (‘I can see Russia from my house’).

I’d also LOVE to vote for Herman Cain. But he has a name recognition problem to solve. I hope he does. But any way you want to look at it, the PEOPLE gain from Daniels and Christie running and talking and asking.

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Anonymous said...

No to both Christie and Daniels. They are extremely soft on the Islmo-cult. They will sell our country down the river for the Islamic barbarians' vote. Their actions show they cannot differentiate between Islamic taqqiyah and US interests.

Christie's appointment of Sohail Mohammed to a NJ state Superior Court judgeship is unacceptable. Why would Christie who as a US attorney was tasked with defending the U.S. against Islamists intervene on behalf of a Hamas supporter? In order to gain the support of NJ's non-insignifacnt Muslim population. Christie puts political self enrichment over US interests. Same mantra that the current DC cocktail elite have. We need change in DC and Christie is more of the same.

Daniels was recently "honored" by The Arab American Institute,which was founded by notorious Jew hater anti-semite James Zogby.

Who is James Zogby? Here are just a few of his sorted doings:

In 1977 Zogby co-founded the Palestine Human Rights Campaign, which served as the propaganda arm of Yasser Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organization.

Two years later, Zogby campaigned to prevent the extradition of Ziad Abu Eain, a Fatah member accused of taking part in a 1979 bombing which resulted in the deaths of two Israeli civilians and the wounding of thirty-six others.

In 1980 Zogby co-founded and served as the Executive Director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), created as a counterweight to the Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish civil rights organization.

In 1985 Zogby established the Washington, DC-based Arab American Institute (AAI), an organization that conducts voter-education and voter-registration initiatives aimed at increasing the political influence of Arab Americans. Zogby's brother John, who runs the aforementioned polling firm Zogby International, is an AAI board member.

James Zogby has played a major role in Democratic Party affairs since the early 1980s. In 1984 he served as an advisor to Jesse Jackson's failed presidential campaign. In 1988, while serving as a member of the Democratic Party's National Platform Committee, Zogby introduced a plank in support of Palestinian statehood -- an issue he would later address in front of the Democratic National Convention. In the 1990s Zogby gained political favor with the Clinton administration, which allowed him to promote the establishment of U.S. investments in Palestinian businesses in Gaza and the West Bank.

Daniels, like Christie, will kowtow to the Islam-facists for votes, even if it is detrimental to U.S. interests.

As mentioned earlier NO to BOTH Christie and Daniels.

Epaminondas said...

Daniels ... from NRO
There have been some uninformed and slightly hysterical attacks on Gov. Mitch Daniels because he accepted an award from the Arab American Institute last week. Have a look at this speech Daniels delivered two years ago when he was honored by B’nai Brith. (SPEECH LINK AT BOTTOM)

UPDATE: Consider his very frank comments about Muslim anti-Semitism: “And then, most dangerously, a very large sector of one of the great religions of this world openly and unapologetically commit to the threatening and hoping for extinction of the state of Israel. Not a fringe movement of that religion but a mainstream portion. . .”

Listen to the entire speech. It includes references to Maj. Hassan and Fort Hood.

The attacks on Daniels could not be more ignorant or misguided.


Epaminondas said...

YOU SAID "Why would Christie who as a US attorney was tasked with defending the U.S. against Islamists intervene on behalf of a Hamas supporter?"

This appointee was the LAWYER for a HAMAS SUPPORTER. I can find NOTHING indicating the appointee himself is a HAMAS supporter. For all we know Alan Dershowitz would find nothing wrong with taking the case.

More, Sohail Mohammed represented post 9/11 potential deportees as a block en masse.

Sultan Knish CLAIMS he believes as this other HAMAS defendant believes but offers NO PROOF. He claims the appointee spoke out and was buds with the guy, but again...no substantiation.

If you search the appointee's name and Sharia all you get is a bunch of hysteria light on facts.

We need facts. If Sohail Mohammad shared the views of HAMAS he CANNOT be a judge. That would be a negative for Christie, but NOT a disqualifier.

The perfect anti jihad candidate WILL NEVER WIN A PRIMARY, let alone get nominated or win the election.

Single issue disqualifiers seldom work in national politics.

I guarantee this is a fact

Epaminondas said...

BTW, did we not see George Bush praise Siddiqui whose HAMAS/MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD mouthings of hate were beyond question?

Did Bush not go on and on about religion of peace?

Do you think people to the right of Bush on this can get elected?

Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous #1 in saying NO to both Daniels and Christie. We need to clean DC of the career politicians and lawyers. In their place we need candidates who have extensive experience in the real world, not the political imperial bubbles that exist at the state and federal political estates.

It is early in the election cycle but at this point I like what I am hearing from Herman Cain.

Many are dismissing him due to name recognition, but as I recall, at this time in 2007 Shillary and Guilianni were the front runners for the nominations and we know how that turned out for them. BHO was not considered a serious candidate and McLame neither.

Epaminondas said...

Giuliani never competed, and Hillary simply DID NOT campaign in Iowa. Obama did NOT come out of nowhere, but rather was the darling star since his dem convention speech.

I would LOVE to vote for Cain.

However the FACTS, the FACTS are that both those governors, not only talk the talk, they walk the walk.

Out of control spending and pension promises.

By your criteria, anon#2, HARRY TRUMAN, after failing in his men's clothing store, then spent his entire career as a MACHINE POLITICIAN. Not some hard nose investigating senator rooting out corruption and cheating in govt war contracts. The guys who put Truman in office in Missouri all went to jail.

But did he do ok?

If the republican voting public is going to eliminate people on the basis of single issues, ENJOY OBAMA FOR ANOTHER 4.

Is that better?
Which supreme court do you want, the one where an 'imperfect' republican appoints a conservative justice? Or the one where Obama changes the balance to 5-4 the other way?

I would love to see a guy like Cain conquer, but you fight with the army you have, NOT THE ONE YOU DREAM UP.

Both those governors have ALREADY DONE what we need to the next president to do.


Are they 'the answer'?
No one is.