Wednesday, May 04, 2011


Daughter, 12, Claims bin Laden Caught, Then Shot

Osama bin Laden's 12-year-old daughter has told senior Pakistani officials that U.S. forces captured her father alive and then shot him, according to The shooting occurred within the first few minutes of the Navy SEALs' raid on bin Laden's opulent hiding place in Abbottabad.

Senior Pakistani security officials said Osama bin Laden’s daughter had confirmed her father was captured alive and shot dead by the US Special Forces during the first few minutes of the operation carried out at the huge compound in Bilal Town, Abbottabad, Al Arabiya reported. 

Pakistani security officials claim that they recoverd four bullet-riddled bodies from the compound and arrested two women and six children, ages 2 to 12, after the U.S. forces flew toward Afghanistan. Some reports indicate that 16 people, mostly Arab nationals and including women and children, were arrested at the compound.

A Pakistani security source told Al Arabiya that bin Laden family members were taken to Rawalpindi, near Islamabad. “They are now under treatment in the military hospital of Rawalpindi, where they have been transported in an helicopter,” he said.

Sources speculated that the U.S. forces could not arrest the family members because there weren’t enough spots for them in the single helicopter remaining after they lost another chopper in the operation.


midnight rider said...

I agree with that. And besides, at 12 yrs old kids don't always see things as they really happen. Think about your own 12 yr old.

Plus, it is coming from Pakistani authorities. Not the most reliable.

Anonymous said...

taqquia (sp) = lie

Alexander Münch said...


These are the good news !
Nice reporting !
And what do YOU think about it ?

Why wasn't she caught with a "Dickless Shahid" ? Huh ?!



Anonymous said...

So, according to his daughter, the great jihadi who sent others to do the dirty work went down without a fight.

I like the daughter's account even better. Would-be jihadists: Look at the loser you looked up to. He went out with a whimper. He will send you to fight, die, starve, and sacrifice... Just don't expect him to do the same.

Anonymous said...

everyone and I mean everyone, even the other side is missing the present point.

this isnt about how he died, who did it, what the world thinks anything.

its about the existential fight we are in.

its about this, as an example,

do we want to be carthage??

a footnote in history? wiped out, overpowered, our women and children scattered to the winds sold into slavery, the earth salted.

or rome.

still in existance thousands of years later.

we face an intractable foe. it wishes to supplant us, it wishes to bring us into the umma or destroy us

so when you are against a foe willing to utterly destroy you, do you worry about how you treat his dead body? or if you could have taken him alive? or if you executed him on the spot?