Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Obama Says, No Photo

Our UnAmerican President Just Compared American War Dead To Osama Bin Laden

Posted by DrewM. at Ace of Spades

POTUS to CBS "Imagine how the American people would react if Al Qaida killed one of our troops...and put photos of the body on the internet"
Put aside the fact they do this whenver they can, how the fuck can any American, let alone the Commander in Chief compare bin Laden to American servicemen and women?
I'm not saying impeach the bastard....wait, yes I am.

Don't you just love the doublethink at work here?

We're not at war with Islam, yet we're worried that Muslims will seethe and riot if we release photos of OBL's dead body -- when OBL, per Obama, wasn't even a real Muslim, whatever the fuck that is..

Additionally, Obama says we're not at war with Muslims, but we deemed Osama bin Laden to be such an important member of the Muslim world that we gave him an Islamic bathing and a 40 minute Islamic service.

You want to tell me we do that for all Muslims who die by our hand in this war?


We did it because we know that this Muslim was a beloved Muslim.

Pajamas Media » Don’t Worry: Osama Was Shot in Accordance with Islamic Tradition


Epaminondas said...

A mistake.

Unknown said...

Honor the ennemy, do not desacrate the ennemy only show pictures of beheaded infidels and burned homosexuals.
The Caliph has shown greatness to his beloved muslim brothers!

Unknown said...

I wonder what those seals think now?The terrorists have a hayday he keeps the movement alive!He's priceless even Carter can't bend that low.

midnight rider said...

This is fuckin' ridiculous. Defeat from the jaws of victory. THIS will bring on the deniers more than releasing it would. And they can't get the friggin' story straight on how it all went down. And it took 16 hrs to make up his mind. He made the decision. Panetta made the decision. Fuckin Twiggy made the decision.

The most wanted man in the world, 10 yrs of chasing him, the money spent blood spilled lives lost we got him and now they've turned it into a 3 ring circus.


Unknown said...

I think Obama only worries about how HE himself will look in the history books! And i think that's the awfull truth!

Damien said...


Obama is an idiot, off course they could just say its doctored, but showing the photo will decrease the chances that anyone will think he's still alive. Also does he not realize, the danger he puts American troops in by continuously giving into the demands of people who support our enemies, and therefor are our enemies. If people really want to get this guy out of office come next election, get off the stupid birth certificate, which is not a fake, regardless of what you might believe, and start focusing on stuff like this. This is where Obama's weak, trying to prove a make believe conspiracy will get us nowhere.

Pastorius said...

I think you're right. Obama is only concerned with his own image.

Pastorius said...

You are, in my opinion, correct in saying that Obama is putting our troops in more danger by giving into the demands of our enemies. It makes us look as if we lack resolve, and that makes the enemy more willing to fight.

I never said the birth certificate was a fake.

What made you think I thought it was, Damien?

Damien said...


Sorry, what I wrote was confusing. at the point I started mentioning the birth certificate, I was no longer really talking to you. I was really addressing the people who still think its a fake.

Pastorius said...


Always On Watch said...

Here's my comment:


The Obama administration is, in and of itself, a FUBAR.

Why should we be surprised that the White House can't get the story straight.

Seriously, if somebody can't get the story straight (consistent), aren't there lies in there somewhere?

Always On Watch said...

Or, maybe we're seeing all these inconsistencies because the whole point of this story about the killing of OBL is all about burnishing the image of Obama.

Epaminondas said...

This is such hypocrisy.
He was ready to release pix of prisoner abuse, right?
But THIS might upset?

Pastorius said...

Exactly. Dude doesn't play by his own rules.

cjk said...

Another small revelation of his personal arrogance and his contempt for the American public.

SamenoKami said...

The Odama administration is totally inept.
They SAW it go down in real time. They watched everything plus I'm sure it was recorded. They all know exactly what happened. 100%.
If they weren't all idiots, Odama would have appointed one person to say what happened and be the go-to person for all questions and this three ring circus would not exist.
Keystone Kops or Who's on First.