Friday, May 06, 2011

Sometimes even a 6th grader hits a home home run, but after the game he's still in 6th grade

Last Saturday President Barack Obama did the right thing, rolled the history dice, the political dice, the foreign policy dice, and the pointy end of the spear risk dice, and went out as did FDR, and killed Osama bin Laden.

He sent our men without warning into what is clearly a nation that really wants to be hostile to us, but just can’t, without warning, to carry out a very risky mission, which was completely successful.

Since then….

Children’s hour.

It is said that a good strategy poorly executed will almost always be successful, whereas a bad strategy, no matter how correctly detailed, and changed to fit new circumstances, and fine tuned repeatedly, will fail.

President Barack Obama picked the right strategy, but these inept, poorly led, disconnected from real people, lizard cold, unimaginative, politically minded (Hillary had ALLERGIES? AYFKM? No wonder she lost) clods have done their best to give every break to enemies, conspiracy freaks, right wing nuts, left wing so called legal nit pickers, the ISI and their semi jihadi, america hating nation, yadda yadda.

From failure to explain HOW we could identify that prick’s body quickly, to every person to speak having at least two stories (one legend for first thrill, and then the fall back semi reality bologna), NONE of which matched, to the story fo the burial at sea under Islamic burial law (you should see what muslims in the gulf are actually saying), it seems as if every aspect of handling this HUGE SUCCESS which could be not just flubbed, but TRAGICALLY FLUBBED, has been tragically flubbed.

Can you imagine if these people in that room had come out and expressed their worry, angst, relief and finally HAPPINESS that we GOT the bastard? But they can't do that. Something very basic is missing.

In 1943 upon returning from killing Yamamoto, a mission personally ordered by FDR and signed off by Nimitz, Thomas Lanphier the 1st pilot to land radioed EXULTANTLY :"That son of a bitch will not be dictating any peace terms in the White House"

We cannot say we are glad our enemies are dead and we killed them. We cannot say were worried about our people during the mission, so worried our hands covered our mouths in human tension.

I'm glad. I'm glad that those who want us killed are dead, and that they were killed in my name.

Barack Obama made the correct executive decision, and showed some guts, but the mission was planned, carried out, and finished off by adults. The president and his staff, his cabinet and those around him give every evidence of people who are trying to act out parts as they think they ought to be played in a TV miniseries written for them to be the just, semi harmless good guys.

They are confused because they are still waiting for applause and a bouquet.

Nothing has been more convincing that Barack Obama is not ready for the ramifications of being a president than the administration driven results of his greatest success.

In his third year being president.

Go in peace, but go, Mr. Obama.


Silverfiddle said...

Very well put.

My favorite headline was over at The Daily Caller:

Obama Administration Takes Victory Lap in Clown Car

They took a meticulously planned and flawlessly executed mission and stepped all over it. And you're right: The conspiracy crowd and the hate America crowd are going nuts.

Epaminondas said...

It's actually unbeleeeeevable SF.

It makes me sad every time I see another explanation and more differing details.

Is there no one in there who understands?

Just get one of the Seals, put him behind a screen, disguise his voice and have a full blown unlimited press conference.


Not in 30 days.

christian soldier said...

my favorite plane-P-38-

i agree w/ your take on bho-as well-

Always On Watch said...

The president and his staff, his cabinet and those around him give every evidence of people who are trying to act out parts as they think they ought to be played in a TV miniseries written for them to be the just, semi harmless good guys.

Point well taken.

That bit that Hillary claims about her allergies doesn't ring true. Yes, it's allergy season here in D.C., but I don't believe that allergies made her put her hand over the mouth. Maybe somebody said, "Hey, situation room. Look serious for this 'candid photo'." Clearly, such instructions would explain the expressions on all the other faces.