Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Washington Examiner:

New milestone in Obama's America: Just as tough to get job at McDonald's as it is to be admitted to Harvard

By: Mark Tapscott 05/10/11 6:36 AM

.Dan McLaughlin at RedState.com notes an interesting parallel in acceptance rates at two of America's best-known institutions.

McDonald's recently received a million job applications during it's one-day application event, while Harvard completed consideration of applicants for its 2015 freshman class. The fast-food chain accepted 62,000 of those applicants, which means, McLaughlin observes:

"That’s a 6.2% acceptance rate. Harvard College’s acceptance rate for the Class of 2015? 6.2%. In Barack Obama’s America, it’s officially now as difficult to get a job flipping hamburgers as it is to get into Harvard."

That's just one of several bracing observations by McLaughlin concerning the must-read piece by The Weekly Standard's Jay Cost on the "Food Stamp Recovery." You can read the rest of McLaughlin's comments here and the Cost piece here.

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