Tuesday, June 07, 2011

There are NO WORDS

There are NO WORDS. Elliot Spitzer interviews James Carville about Anthony’s Wiener… AND DOESN’T EVEN HAVE THE DECENCY TO BLUSH The words are arrogant entitled chutzpah CNN should be the one ashamed, and Carville probably took unlimited shit at home. I hope you gave him absolute unending sarcasm, Mary

Elliot Spitzer interviews James Carville about Anthony’s Wiener…


Actually there are words

The words are arrogant entitled chutzpah

CNN should be the one ashamed, and Carville probably took unlimited shit at home.

I hope you gave him absolute unending sarcasm, Mary


Anonymous said...

Here's another take, from Ann Barnhardt:

It's not about Congressman Weiner . . ."The problem is that we as a nation are willing to tolerate men like Weiner in office. How can it possibly be that Weiner is NOT going to be forced to resign? What kind of a populace do you have to have to tolerate Weiner's sexual crimes, betrayal of his wife, betrayal of his oath of office, and his lying? Weiner is merely pathetic. A nation of people that permits men like him to continue to pollute the hallowed halls of their capitol is terrifying. The reason this country is going straight to hell isn't because it contains men like Weiner. The reason we are going straight to hell is because we don't respect OURSELVES enough to DEMAND better of our elected leaders. A nation that thinks that it deserves to be ruled by lying, cheating pervs is already dead. The rest is just academic. "

Epaminondas said...

When that idiot Lee from Buffalo sent pix of himself shirtless to a woman not his wife he was OUT B4 DINNER THE NEXT DAY.

Pelosi, Hoyer et al need to tell Wiener he will be on no committtees, and have NOTHING TO DO unless he quits, in which case he can team up with Spitzer, Edwards and Ensign, and the tickle monster in a reality show called "DICKS WITH NO BRAINS"