All of us, every single man, woman, and child on the face of the Earth were born with the same unalienable rights; to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And, if the governments of the world can't get that through their thick skulls, then, regime change will be necessary.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
10 Years Later: Daddy, Why Did Osama Bin Laden Hate Us and Want Us Dead?
On the morning of September 11th, 2001, my daughter was 3 years old.
As we watched the buildings collapse, I began to weep, regretting that I had brought her into a world so cruel, dangerous, and unstable.
But, just as quickly as tears came to my eyes, another voice came to me saying, "You did not bring your child into the world to have riches and fun. She is here to do good and, possibly, hopefully, to make the world a better place."
And, I resolved to make that my goal as well. I thought to myself, what can I do to help? I decided that I could write and tell people about the evil that would attempt to destroy the American way of life. And that I have done since 9/11.
Now, 10 years later, my daughter is 13 and she is a fully conscious human being with own Free Will. She is no longer a child.
So, last night as we watched stories of 9/11 on TV, I believe it was really the first time she ever saw the attacks as more than the spectacle of buildings falling. It was the first time she ever fully realized that the attacks were committed by people who hate us. It was the first time she ever realized that we, our Family, we Americans, are the people who are hated, and that these attacks were committed upon her way of life and during her lifetime, and that, for all intents and purposes, it could have been her.
So, when she asked me, Daddy, why did Osama Bin Laden hate us and want us dead?", I wanted to give her the best answer I could, an answer which would go beyond my own hatred for Bin Laden and his people, an answer which would not be born of my own personal anger, but would, instead, be reasonable and cogent.
I opened my mouth and found the words would not come. I babbled something about Bin Laden being irrational, that he was angry about Spain and Kosovo, that he hates Jews, that he is motivated by the Koran. She asked me if he was crazy. I told her, "No. He was evil, like Hitler." This answer seemed to satisfy her.
But, this morning, I find that, while it is true, this answer does not satisfy me.
And, it dawns on me that the best way to explain the hatred and evil of Jihad is not to dwell on their "grievances". Because, who really cares about the petty and insane resentments of people who could still be angry about "the Iberian Peninsula" hundreds of years later?
Simply put, the best way to explain Bin Laden and every Sharia-promoting Jihadist Muslim in the world is this:
They want their way of life to be our way of life.
That's it.
They want to spread Sharia law. They want to stone homosexuals and apostates to death. They want to make women the property of men. And, they want to kill any Infidel who would get in their way.
These things are true of Osama Bin Laden, and they are true of any person who would wage Jihad against us.
And these things are completely unacceptable to us. There is no compromise possible, because what they want is evil and inhumane.
And, because they will stop at nothing to ensure that their way of life becomes our way of life, because they are willing to do anything they can, to kill as many of us as they can, we must, in return, resolve that we will do anything we have to do to stop them.
Their way of life will not become our way of life.
Instead, eventually our way of life will become their way of life. As Ronald Reagan said of the Cold War, we must say of the War Against Jihad;
We win, they lose.
Their way of life will be destroyed, dried up, and turned to dust. And our way of life will grow, swell, and wind through the waters of the world.
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Hi Pasto.
I hope you are right,but for this to realise we will need different leaders.
Dude, the same scenario played out between my 13 yr old daughterand I yesterday afternoon. Nearly verbatim. The difference was when I couldn't find the words and explain it I brought out a few books about 9/11, the big photo anthologies that came out in the first couple years after. Then I told her she needs to know and understand what happened and why, most of her clasmates don't or have a very skewed view of it but she won't be one of them.
Funny how you and I, so vocal about this all these years, all the words we've written, could not find the words to explain it to someone closest to us.
Well said Pastorius.
Pasto - right on !!
We should also use that explanation about the current far Left Progressive Party and its minions known as the Democrats. We can no long 'negotiate with them' or have a reasonable and rational discussion with any of them.
Any freedom loving American does not want to live in their world.
We have to dominate them marginalize them and never let them near the leavers of power again because we have seen what they have and continue to do.
We have to win. They have to lose. It's that pure and simple.
"Instead, eventually our way of life will become their way of life."
Well, that's not the way the so-called Arab Spring is working out, is it? More-or-less secular dictatorships are being replaced by sharia-compliant Islamic regimes, not liberal democracies. Muslim peoples worldwide seem to have nothing but contempt for our way of life. Sure, they envy our relative wealth and superior societal organization, but that's about it.
Anyway, look how our way of life has degenerated over the last few decades. We now live in ultra-liberal, decadent societies where traditional morality has been turned on its head. We celebrate diversity instead of unity, elevate minorities over the majority, praise deviancy rather than normality, and spit on the European Christian heritage that made us great in the first place.
We live so far beyond our means that it will take our grandchildren and their children to clean up the mess we've left them and pay off our excesses of yesterday and today. Our modern way of life is fiscally unsustainable and morally repulsive, so why would anyone want to follow us off the cliff that we seem determined to march over?
The lesson of 9/11 is not that we should export our way of life around the world, but that we've got to get our own house in order ASAP. We shouldn't invade and occupy Muslim countries, we should instead stop Muslim immigration completely and permanently and start the deportations. We should start closing down mosques and Muslim community centres and newspapers, and racially profile Muslims everywhere and all the time. We should make it all but impossible for sharia and jihad supporters to live anywhere in the West.
For our own safety and to ensure the long-term survival of our civilization, we should separate ourselves as much as possible from Muslims and the Islamic world. But, of course, we're doing the exact opposite, increasing Muslim immigration while involving ourselves ever deeper in the morass that is the Muslim world. Sic transit gloria mundi.
You're right. This is not the Cold War, and the "Arab Spring" is not the Domino Effect.
The Arab Spring is an overflow from a Outhouse.
Man, that really is strange, isn't it?
Yes, I agree, though personally, for me today is a day for political statements.
Dad, I thought you wrote this until I got to the end!
We've been talking about how the world is so dangerous and unstable... and hope we can do as good a job as our parents to keep this kid safe and good despite all the ridiculousness going on! Seems tough but you guys managed...
Nope, that was Pasto. But thanks for the compliment.
You guys will do fine. Just don't have that baby today!
13.5 hours until it's allowed to show up. No worries, my husband has double outlawed today, as it's also the first football Sunday of the year... if baby knows what's good for him/her, s/he won't even THINK about showing up until the Seahawks game is over :-P
Eagles beating the Rams 17-10 at the half!
One dog doesn't like the eagles cuz she thinks Vick would've made her bait, the other is scared of te eagles cuz they could eat him ;-)
Actually, Rams are in the Seahawks' division, so we wanted them to lose today :-)
Hey guys, it's 9/11, fer chrissakes.
Yes, but this is cheaper than calls from Pennsylvania to Alaska :)
hey, the NFL is doing politician-free 9/11 stuff, and a great 9/11 Budweiser commercial :-)
What? No Wild Turkey commercials?
Will this one do?
Actually, the
New Budweiser Commercial is the original Respect one they did for the 2002 Superbowl, but somewhat redone and now includes the new tower in the footage.
Still very nicely done in my opinion.
Is that you in the Wild Turkey ad?
oh. well, I didn't really watch football in 2002. I only do now because it was somehow snuck into my vows ;-)
I did think it was a good one though! I liked the big field sized flags and flag gloves, too.
And the new gieco commercials...specifically the dog/cockatoo and the sushi ones... But that's even further off topic :-)
It is indeed me in the ad, the very same bitter clinging you've all come to know and love. Just ask the anon. kid there.
As for you kid, he snuck it into your vows? Wish the connection would have been better. I would have loved to have heard that :)
On the tenth anniversary of the atrocious September 11th terrorist attacks, I thought of some suggestions to improve our efforts in our perilous fight against Islamic terrorism.
First off, let's cut the partisan bullshit. You can argue that the strategy of Barack Obama is an improvement on that of GW Bush, or that Bush did things better, and in some ways you may be right either way, but let's get real. Both strategies suck! We need to step up our game. But how?
STEP 1: Identify the enemy. What is Islam? The Islamic religion is not the problem. The Islamic ideology is the issue. We must distinguish between Islam the religion (a facade) and Islam the reality. The former consists of mythology and ritual, a facade for the latter. Islam, when stripped to its bare bones, is fundamentally an Arab racial weapon.
Islam is essentially an ideological tool that helps Arabs to rape White women and enslave Blacks. Islam is the driving force behind the Arab's racist war against the Black and White races, and the rest of humanity. Of course not all Muslims are Arab but virtually all Arabs are Muslim.
This first step is vital because it enables us to identify the WHO and the WHY. Who is in the "cockpit" and why are they attacking us? The Arabs and their acolytes (i.e. Pakis, some Turks) are at the forefront.
STEP 2: Divide and conquer! Turn the Muslim world against itself. You all seem to think that the Muslim world is one huge homogenous mass, but beneath the surface there is much intra-Muslim rivalry and hatred. Sunnis hate Shias and Shias hate Sunnis. That is obvious. But Kurds hate Arabs, Turks hate Kurds... Whatever we do, the last thing we want to do is unite the Muslim world against us! Let them fight each other off.
Part of the strategy is to show how the Arabs really feel about their fellow Muslims of other races. Expose the Koranic literature as a manifesto for Arab racial supremacy. In response to African-Americans affiliated, or seeking to join the Nation of Islam (granted, a very heterodox school of Islam, the "Mormonism" or maybe even the "Scientology" of Islam) what Arabs think about Black people. Arabs use "abd" (slave) to refer to a person of African origin.
If we can factionalize the Islamic world, then we may yet have a means of victory. Certainly it is a surer bet than attempting to face off against the 1,553,995,000 or so Muslims.
STEP 3: Nuke Pakistan! Nuking the Arab world is just not a viable option. It makes us seem like the bad guys and only generates sympathy for the Arabs/Muslims. I do not think that a pre-emptive nuclear strike against a state without nuclear armament could ever be justified, even to prevent procurement of nuclear weaponry. But once they already have nukes, all bets are off. Pakistan is a nuclear-armed Islamic dictatorship. A pre-emptive nuclear strike is practically self-defense! Think about this. A nuclear armed Islamic dictatorship could pull off acts that make 9-11 seem like child's play. The best part is we (i.e. the USA) don't have to do a thing, nor does the UK, France, or even Israel. Perhaps the Indians or Chinese can nuke Pakistan for us. India also has nukes, and they HATE Pakis, probably more than anyone else in the world. With Pakistan gone, what would be the long-term effects on the global economy? Seeing as Pakistan's main exports are terrorism and body odor, I think we'll manage...
STEP 4: Get mad! (In more ways than one, that is.) Perhaps the greatest asset of the Islamists is their violent fanaticism. The enemy is angry and utterly insane. They not only want to die, they are happy to die. As Lewis Black said:
"To defeat an enemy that is THAT psychotic... you have to be MORE psychotic."
Our problem? We're much too nice. We need to show these savages that we mean business. Case in point, our silly notions of "civilized warfare" and Geneva conventions, concern for human rights in all-out war are a liability. While there are genuinely good ideas inherent in rules against war crimes: avoid civilian casualties, injunctions against genocide or ethnic cleansing, and so on. Some of the arms limitation rules are a bit ridiculous (case in point: rules against certain ammunition set before the World Wars, which were moot, because both sides used chemical gas anyways...). The obsession with "humane" warfare is sometimes almost a war crime in and of itself because we kid ourselves into thinking that there is anything inherently civilized in war. But rules are rules! We need to find loopholes in the rules.
There are treaties that outlaw landmines, most forms of chemical and biological warfare, most incendiary weapons, and some types of ammunition. But there is one potential weapon that is NOT regulated... Stinging insects! I propose the bee rifle.
My concept is a modified AK-47, or an M-14, but the ammo clip is replaced with a drum full of Africanized bees. The inside of the drum is coated with a mild repellant so the bees will want to exit, and the firing mechanism is replaced with an electrically powered air pump or fan that blows a gentle breeze. Holding the trigger opens a breach door and starts the air flow. Releasing the trigger cuts off the air flow and slowly drops the trap door. This gun shoots killer bees at enemy combatants.
Of course, not being as effective as bullets, the soldier wielding the weapon would be wearing armor that is impervious to bullets, and usually will have at least one other combatant supporting him. Furthermore, bees can fly around corners, and could be used against insurgents hiding in buildings.
As a common attachment, a modified grenade launcher fires a capsule containing a queen with some workers and drones, and pheromones to start a hive. These bee grenades could spread Africanized bee colonies in nations that give us shit, a form of scorched-earth warfare!
STEP 5: More Super-weapon development. Speaking of weird weapons, we need more unconventional weaponry (avoiding explicitly prohibited weapons). The problems with "Star Wars" systems notwithstanding, I think satellite weaponry is a worthwhile development. I remember a James Bond movie wherein the villains seized control of a satellite that blasts an EMP over a specified location on the Earth surface. The only problem is that most Muslim troglodytes are not as dependent on electronics as civilized countries are. Of course we CAN use such a weapon against Abu Dhabi or Dubai... That should have an interesting effect on the Arab economy. Perhaps a satellite that shoots a column of plasma? We should seriously consider building an orbital death star. Of course, the main idea between high-tech weaponry is that we are fighting a highly superstitious enemy. The more we can get technology to seem like magic, the more effective psychological warfare we can engage in.
STEP 6: Economic warfare. Both liberals who want to find alternatives to fossil fuels and conservatives who want to drill for oil domestically, and maybe go back to coal in some cases, need to shut the fuck up and agree on one thing. NO MORE ARAB OIL. Furthermore, we may need to blockade Yemen and the nations of the Persian Gulf, even if it leads to hunger. Also, declare a trade embargo against Pakistan. Economic warfare may be especially effective against the Iran! [See below]
STEP 7: Nuke Pakistan. Oh wait, did I mention that?
STEP 8: Undermine the Islamic Republic of Iran. While regime change is obviously necessary, I think we should avoid war with the Iranians so long as we could. What I propose instead is to undermine the regime through crafty policies: economic warfare (see above) such as blockades and embargoes, arming and empowering Kurdish and Baluchi separatists, perhaps assassinating Ahmadinejad, the Ayatollahs, and Co. if it comes to that.
Unlike the Arab uprisings, which produced Islamist shitholes, we have reasons to believe that things MIGHT go differently for Iran. There is evidence that Persians are intelligent and civilized people, unlike Arabs, at least potentially. The key is finding the right factions to support. Undermining the Iranian economy and Balkanizing the country could overthrow the Arabist-Islamist regime, but who should replace them? The Green movement is not good enough. They don't want to abolish the Islamic Republic. They only want a "nicer" Islamic Republic, overturning Ahmadinejad’s coup and having "checks and balances" between the Ayatollah and "secular" leadership. This will hopefully yield a "friendlier" Islamo-fascism.
Perhaps we can restore the Shah? Iranians need a benevolent dictator, a secular but slightly despotic head of state who can hopefully reform the society. The examples of Albania and the former-Soviet republics in Central Asia, and to a lesser extent, Turkey, proves that secularism can and does work in the Muslim world at large, even if it repeatedly fails in the Arab world (gee, I wonder why...).
And the first order of business for the new Iranian regime should be some form of rapprochement with Israel. Once the Iranian peoples are freed from their Islamist puppet governments, no longer will every man, woman, and child be an abd for the Arab. The Arab-Israeli conflict is not a religious conflict between Islam and Judaism. It is a racist war by the Arabs against the Jews. The Arabist regimes in Afghanistan and Iran bind these poor sons of Zarathustra to their Arab and Paki overlords. Take away the fascist pirate-regimes and unite the Persians, Kurds, Baluchs, Pashtuns, and other Iranian peoples against their former masters.
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