Wednesday, September 14, 2011

all this for a flag?

yes you america hating fools all this for a flag.

michele and barry let their masks slip, and are caught on camera showing and having derision for the respect being shown through ceremony for the flag, the video link is below

symbols have meaning they anchor our nation and our culture the symbols of our nation and our culture do deserve respect, pomp and ceremony love and allegiance becuase of what they stand for. freedom and liberty and the men and women of our national family who have given all through our history in the struggle against the enemies of our nation.

you two leftist scum are of a mindset and a belief system so alien to most americans that many of good will still find it hard to beleive you really are who you are, america haters who have bought into the notion that to be nationalistic and to beleive that the United States IS exceptional is silly and without merit. once in a while your masks slip and your disdain for all that is america shows, this is one such instance. collectively these instances over the last two years show you both for the derelict human debris that you really are.

yes all this for a flag you two takers, grifters, feckless scum, believers in your own moral superiority without merit, typical morally empty leftist destroyers you dont produce you take and destroy. youve never worked hard or created wealth or sacrificed for others once in your pathetic lives. of course you dont understand why this reverence is being given the flag.

below is a video of michele obama shaking her head in disdain after asking the narcissist in chief if this cerimony was all “just for a flag” barry’s smug condescending response is in the afirmative. the video is from someone called god like productions who cought this slip of the mask


Stefano di Pastena said...

..I guess is

Always On Watch said...

I can't tell what she's saying -- except for the word "flag."


Nobody should be speaking during the folding of our flag when that folding is done in honor the fallen.

ObamasHateAmerica said...

She is saying: "All this to fold a flag?!" No doubt about it.

Anonymous said...

Her dismissive nod and blink which closes her statement clearly defines her impatient disdain, while the occupant of the oval office turns without delay to nod agreement - - together this behavior confirms they both are merely tolerating these long established silly traditions.

In 2012 Americans must demonstrate at the ballot - tolerance of their disrespect is no more.

trencherbone said...

Muslims have children for welfare benefits:

Baroness Flather is a secular Hindu. But as she is an 'Asian', she can tell the truth about Muslims without being accused of 'racism', namely that they are fast-breeding parasites on the rest of humanity. o

Pastorius said...

Great post. Thanks.

Epaminondas said...

Anybody else forming a final opinion as to why this guy ran for and got a job he clearly doesn't like?

Maybe to shut up his harridan of a wife?

OOOOPS, that's going to get reported