Friday, September 09, 2011

Andrew Belonsky incites against Allen West

Rabid moonbat and Islamophile Andrew Belonsky is continuing his own jihad against any conservative who dares say what he doesn't like, calling Allen West an Islamophobe and as usual, never provides any data from within the Koran:
Representative Allen West has quite the record of inflammatory rhetoric. Of course there was that lamentable moment when West compared himself to Harriet Tubman.

Then there were West’s remarks on homosexuality, which he compares to ice cream “taste.”

And who could forget when the Tea Party darling, a former Lieutenant Colonel who was booted from the Army for harshly interrogating an Iraqi police officer, blasted multiculturalism?

“We must never allow multiculturalism to grow on steroids and define itself as making American culture subservient,” West said last February.

Well, West reiterated that message today, when he hosted the filming of ‘Sacrificed Survivors,’ a flick that claims “Islam is inherently violent.”
Boy oh boy, is this man stupid and obnoxious. Making inflammatory accusations against West without even providing anything to prove what he wants to think of the RoP, but which I will provide info upon to prove it's not what he wants everybody to think; for example, from an ex-Muslim, Sami Alrabaa, at Family Security Matters:
“And their taking usury (interests on money) though indeed they were forbidden it and their devouring the property of people falsely, and We have prepared for the unbelievers from among them a painful chastisement.” (Sura 4. verse 161).

“Surely Allah has cursed the unbelievers (Jews, Christians and followers of other faiths) and has prepared for them a burning fire.” (Sura 33, verse 64).

“And whoever does not believe in Allah and His Apostle, then surely We have prepared burning fire for the unbelievers.” (Sura 48, verse 13).
And of course, there is this list of jihadist verses in the Koran over here. And here's also a whole Islam 101 writeup by Gregory Davis.

Incidentally, one can only wonder if, were an Islamic imam to declare homosexuality an abomination, would Belonsky be attacking him? I guess not, and nor will he care about cases like these. Funny how advocates of the practice are more than willing to lay it all aside for that. (Also, what a shame that he's even attacked West for what just might have been interrogating a terrorist or one of Saddam's goons.)

Now, back to Belonsky's little anti-conservative screed:
Said West at today’s screening, “My fear is that maybe we could end up forgetting what happened on 9/11 because of political correctness or the desire to be a multicultural America.”

It’s truly unfortunate that West and his ideological peers continue, one decade after 9/11, to fan xenophobia and Islamophobia.
It's truly unfortunate that Belonsky and his own ilk continue, one decade after 9-11, to whitewash any discussion of Islam, desecrate the memory of the victims by trying to sweep all detail and the reasons why they were murdered under the rug, not to mention fan the flames of conservaphobia and surely even Judeophobia and Christophobia. Belonsky is doing is exactly what West is worried about, advocating political correctness and tasteless multi-culti.
Besides revealing the GOP’s unyielding assault on one of America’s greatest treasures — inclusion — his remarks show that his party has learned absolutely no lessons since that fateful September one decade ago, and ultimately illustrate how far removed the Republican Party and its adherents are from the American Dream.
And Belonsky has shown that a decade after, he hasn't learned any lessons about why, without knowledge, there's no defense, and if you don't discuss the problems with a particular ideology, you'll never solve the problem, illustrating just how far he's removed from realism. Some of the commentors, like this one, pointed that out too:
Yeah that's right, we need to practice inclusion even to the point of "including" our enemies. What a moron Belonsky is. He would have promoted including Hitler, Mao, Stalin too. Appeasement never works. Our enemies laugh in our face at the sound our continual requests for "negotiations" and so-called peace talks. This tactic does nothing but give our opponents a chance to catch their breath and re-load.

It goes without saying that West is NOT referring to moderate Muslims who want little more than their next meal. West is duly noting however that those who are at the wheel of this bus, i.e., the Muslim Brotherhood, are our sworn enemies. Don't take our word for it. Take their word for it. To deny their very clear intentions places all of us in danger.

So therefore, whenever Belonsky says something of this magnitude on the stupidity scale, of course he will get blow back.
And how! Next:
islamophobia is a term used to any who criticize islam, but it wont work because regardless of the name calling like racist, bigot, ilsamophobe, ect. islam will still be criticized and scrutinized no matter the name calling. there is a growing backlash against islam all over the western world. laws are getting introduced banning sharia law and immigration from muslim countries are coming to a stop. until islam joins the 21st century and violent passages of the koran are removed, things will continue as they are.
Yes, we the free world will fight back. Too bad Belonsky cannot comprehend that even his own blabbering and spluttering is only encouraging people to do the research he won't.

Allen West is a true patriot and is to be praised for his concern about Islamofascism. West even had the courage to criticize the awful Ron Paul, who's recently been claiming he supports Reagan's policies, when here, this was the same politician who left the Republicans in 1987 because he despised Reagan's policies, as told in this clip:
Rep. Ron Paul (R-CA) praised and criticized President Ronald Reagan during a curious moment at the GOP debate on Wednesday. Rep. Paul ran for president on the Libertarian Party ticket in 1988 and denounced the Reagan years during his campaign. When he left the Republican Party in 1987 he said, "Ronald Reagan has given us a deficit ten times greater than what we had with the Democrats. It didn't take more than a month after 1981, to realize there would be no changes."
I think he's one of the few "conservative" politicians Belonsky supports, all because Paul, despite what he says, it's possible that even on economy, he's as pretentious as they come. More on this at Hot Air. West was quite right to criticize Paul, who's only an embarrassment for the GOP.

Update: The Blaze has written about West's screening with the Christian Action Network, and also mentioned Belonsky's shameless tirade against West. They also mention something Belonsky might want to ponder:
One of the attending family members, Jack McDermot, who lost a son on 9/11, stood his ground in opposing the construction of the community center and mosque:

“I think it’s a tragedy that people are attempting to do something which is very distasteful to me, and I will support anyone or anything that’s done to put a stop to it.”
Has Belonsky ever considered that in attacking Allen West on this subject, he could be attacking the family members of 9-11 victims too?

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