Thursday, September 15, 2011

“If you weren’t trying to turn Egypt into a Sunni version of Iran, it is hard to see why you’d be so upset”

Juan Cole? Yes Juan Cole. Perhaps even the naive ‘hopers’ and deniers of the left now are beginning to find avoidance difficult.

In an interview while in Cairo, Turkish PM Erdogan who has shepharded his nation further and further towards an Islamist bent, said this:

“Now, in this transitional phase in Egypt, as well as in what comes after it, I believe that the Egyptians will establish democracy very well, and they will see that a “secular state” does not mean “an irreligious state.” Rather it means respect for all the religions and giving all individuals the freedom to practice religion as they please.”

Erdogan’s stance toward Israel has earned him the most Arab accolades. He demanded an apology after nine Turks were killed in an Israeli raid on a ship bound for Gaza. When he did not receive one, he expelled Israel’s ambassador.

And what was the reaction in Egypt?

Essam Al Arian of the Muslim Brotherhood’s political wing, and public faced party said this:

Egyptians did not need to be taught about democracy by Turkey.

And Juan Cole observing this, said

If you weren’t trying to turn Egypt into a Sunni version of Iran, it is hard to see why you’d be so upset

Welcome to Earth, Juan

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