Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Imam Rauf Attacks Freedom of Speech

Thanks to Damien:


Damien said...

You're Welcome Pastorius I hope a lot of people see this. We really need to discredit this guy in the eyes of the public.

Pastorius said...

Yes, thank you again.

I agree, cuz I believe Imam Rauf is a dangerous man, precisely because he appears so "moderate" when he is not.

Damien said...


He doesn't really appear so moderate here through does he? Weather he realizes or not, him speaking out against others being able to criticize other people's religions will make him look bad. He's coming out a against a core enlightenment principal, something that even some of his biggest supporters might notice.

Anonymous said...

Yaj Namruf here,
Imam Rauf should leave New York now. There is no way he can convince 99.9 % of Americans that Sharia Law will or should replace U.S. Civil Law. Over Two Hundred years of U.S. Jurisprudence has worked, for the most part, just fine. leave the US Imam Rauf...raus, now, go, do not come back. We do not want you or your Theocratic incest to infect our World anymore. Go.

Pastorius said...


Thanks for saying it so clearly.

Pastorius said...

Yeah, well I guess you could say he made a big mistake here, huh Damien?

Damien said...

Yaj Namruf,

Fortunately I don't think he'll even be able to convince 90, 80, or 70 or even 50 percent, but unfortunately he maybe able to convince some people, but on the bright side, I think he'll probably end up turning more people against him, especially if we are able to get the word out about what he said.

Damien said...


Yes Pastorius, I do think he made a mistake and I'm glad he made it. The only way out of this he may have, unless most Americans are extreme useful idiots, is if he or someone else can find a full video of his entire speech, and show that he was quote mined.

Damien said...


Well I just had a little nightmare, when I said that, since it would make us look really bad if it turned out to be the case, and I did not see the whole video. I sincerely doubt its a quote mine, but thought should try to find more of the speech, just to debunk that idea for myself. However, I found something else that makes him look bad and it sounds like it was also something he said at the Berkley Center.

Feisal Rauf whitewashes reality of Sharia law during college panel on religion

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Rauf doesn't need to convince a large percentage to permit sharia. He just needs that ever-present segment of society, you know who they are, the pusillanimous pols and scholars cowering in fear of offending anyone, avoiding any and all confrontations, you know, the folks that won't ever look you in the eye while blabbing on and on about tolerance. These bootlicking miscreants are the useful idiots who will bow to the UN/OIC/Govt. edicts about their version of 'tolerance' and with time impose it upon all. The camels nose is up under the tent . . .soon it will be too late to avoid recognizing the stench of whats to come.

Epaminondas said...

Those who speak against freedom of speech have no place PREACHING DOG WORSHIP, let alone trying to 'shephard' a mosque to ground zero.

SEDITION said cutely.

Freedom of speech is LITERALLY BLASPHEMY.


Anonymous said...

Oh sure there were a few bad apples, but for the most part the Nazis were peaceful and mostly misunderstood.

Oh if only we'd had the benefit of multiculturalism to help smooth things over in the late thirties.

Do you think if someone tossed a jello pie into Rauf's evil mug we'd get 24/7 news coverage of like the WORST hate crime just ever, ever?

Yeah, thought so.

Islam delenda est.

Pastorius said...

On second thought, Epa, maybe you are my sock puppet. I was just making the argument, just the other day, that preaching against Freedom of Speech is sedition, because it is the foundational Right upon which all the other rights in our Constitution are based upon.

Damien said...


And make him into a martyr?

Damien said...

By the way, I just thought I should point this out, I've been talking to a friend who basically pointed out to me that this in and of itself does not prove that Rauf is an Islamist. However, it could still be argued that based on what he said, (unless he was quote mined) he has some beliefs that are clearly incompatible with a free society. That along is reason enough to be at least somewhat worried.

Pastorius said...

Damien wrote: this in and of itself does not prove that Rauf is an Islamist ...

I respond: Strictly speaking that is true. However, if his idea expressed here is not motivated by Islamist ideology, it must still be made clear that it happens to jibe exactly with Islamist ideology.

Pastorius said...

Damien wrote: That along is reason enough to be at least somewhat worried.

I respond: Somewhat?

The First Amendment is the foundation upon which all other human rights are based. Take away the First Amendment and all other human rights fall like a house of cards.

Damien said...


I'm not arguing with you, and yes I agree the first amendment is the most important amendment in the constitution, therefor we should take seriously any attempt to limit free speech, except in extreme circumstances, and people's feelings are not one of them.

Pastorius said...

I'm not arguing with you either. But, I don't want to let your comments stand there as if they are the final word on this subject, when I do not agree with them.

Damien said...
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Damien said...


I understand. I'm also not saying that he isn't an Islamist, just that this video doesn't prove that he is one. It may not be the smoking gun I originally thought it was. However, given the fact that he shares many of the Islamists anti freedom views, we have very good reason to suspect him. Not to mention the fact that he's come out for sharia, on at least one or two occasions, and he has said some rather incentive things after nine eleven.

Pastorius said...

Where there is smoke there is fire?

Damien said...
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Damien said...


Not necessarily, unfortunately, in this case. However, it does still make him look really bad.

Pastorius said...

Think about what you're saying.

1) he makes disparaging remarks about America after 9/11, essentially saying America deserved it

2) he comes out in favor of Sharia law in America

3) he comes out against the First Amendment

But, you want to give him the benefit of the doubt on whether or not he is an Islamist.

Go ahead. He walks, talks, and quacks like a duck, and he is a pestilent individual.

Damien said...


You're right. I can't believe I didn't put it all together.

Damien said...


I was only beginning to have some doubts because of what my friend, told me.

Pastorius said...

I can understand that, Damien. I get wishy washy sometimes when I am trying a little too hard to be fair. It is a byproduct of fairness of thought, or intellectual honesty.

If our work had a cutting room floor, as in film editing, all of our overreaching for fairness would be laying there.


JD said...

Along with all the cheap lousy porn. Unlike the good stuff Pastorius keps in his closet.

Really, you two, arguing about wishy washy when there are cheerleaders on TV?

You two need to find some dames.