Friday, September 23, 2011

Obama Challenges United Nations To Stand Up For 1) Freedom of Conscience/Speech, 2) Gay Rights, 3) Equal Rights For Women

Obama Calls for All Countries to Stand Up for Rights of Gays and Lesbians in Address to UN General Assembly

Make no mistake about it, this is a shot across the bow of the good ship Islamofascism. Good for Obama.

From Towleroad: From President Obama's speech to the UN General Assembly today:

And to make sure our societies reach their potential, we must allow our citizens to reach theirs. No country can afford the cancer of corruption. Together, we must harness the power of open societies and open economies. That is why we have partnered with countries from across the globe to launch a new partnership on Open Government that helps ensure accountability and empower citizens. 
No country should deny people their rights, the freedom of speech and freedom of religion, but also no country should deny people their rights because of who they love, which is why we must stand up for the rights of gays and lesbians everywhere. 
And no country can realize its potential if half its population cannot reach theirs. 
This week, the United States signed a new Declaration on Women’s Participation. Next year, we should each announce the steps we are taking to break down the economic and political barriers that stand in the way of women and girls. This is what our commitment to human progress demands. 
Read the full story here.


Pastorius said...

Note that these are the same three things we harp on here all the time at the Infidel Blogger's Alliance.

When anyone comes here and tells me I am an Islamophobe because I criticize Islam, I always counter with,

You're saying it is wrong for me to criticize a religion that

1) murders gays and apostates
2) declares women to be property
3) calls for Jihad against the Infidel (once again, this is a Freedom of Conscience issue)

So, Obama is standing up for what we stand up for.

The problem is, he will not stand clearly against those Muslims who will not abide by these demands of his.


Unknown said...

A fox stays a fox , he needs the Jewish and Gay votes.
If he gets a second term than the mask will come off and God save us all.

Damien said...


As much as I don't like Obama, I don't like it when people go around claiming that he's secretly a Muslim Jihadist. Maybe this will help show just how ridiculous people who keep insisting that he really is without any evidence. Hopefully, especially if he is reelected, he will complain when Islamofacists violate this policy. Than again I don't see him standing up much for religious minorities being persecuted in Islamic theocracies.

Pastorius said...

In order to stand for stuff, you have to stand against other stuff.

Obama is good at outlining ideas, but when it comes time to actually choose sides, he becomes weak.

Unless it's choosing our enemies vs. our friends.

Anonymous said...

What are you people talking about? Obama is running for re-election right now. Otherwise, he would have thrown Israel under the bus and rushed to comfort the Arabist-Islamist block. Good grief, you all will let one speech--accompanied by no meaningful action to date--soften you up. Cheap dates?