Friday, September 16, 2011

On the breaking subway poster ad war…. In NYC over the Palestinian state

A picture is worth a thousand words?

Description: WESPAC Foundation's subway ad campaign is the first volley in a war of words playing out on billboards. A pro-Israel group plans a counter-campaign.



I will knock on Heaven’s doors with the skulls of Jews.

When will the politicians, and the POLITICAL CLASS make up their minds to SPEAK TRUTH.

The Palestinians are engaged in making the levant a muslim land so that soon it will have to be JUDENREIN

That’s really all there is … the rest is spin and PR for dupes and ostriches


Anonymous said...

A fitting quote suitable for a bumper sticker to attach to each of these pro-terror adverts.

Damien said...


Ending us military aid to Israel will simply allow Palestinian Islamist to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. A two state solution will not even be possible unless The Palestinian culture, and Arab culture in general undergoes some radical changes. The Israelis are not the ones responsible for this conflict. The Palestinians are the ones who have refused every opportunity for peace.

Epaminondas said...

Those who imagine Israel devoid of US military support will force some kind of settlement 'more' beneficial to the arabs need to analyze the result of a cut off very carefully.

1) No one else helps the jews .. in this case they are completely free from any influence, and find the world PRECISELY as the most paranoid and worst case treatment of the jews justifies. What is the next step? What is there to lose? Want to be living in downtown Teheran?

2) Israel finds an amoral commercial partner for it's weapons buying an selling... I've gone over this scenario .. China or Russia find that Israeli avionics in their weapons is a GOOD THING and one day soon, we have SU-35's with equal electronic suites to the best we can outfit our own pilots with ..and the US military strategic position in the world is threatened on EVERY SINGLE FRONT. A corollary here is that every jew in the USA who does not renounce Israel will then be a 'traitor' again fulfilling the worst case scenario for jews.

3) Israel cut off needs PHYSICAL STRATEGIC DEPTH and on day one of this world conceives a war of agression in which they drive the arabs out of gaza ans the west bank creating a crippling economic crisis in Jordan Syria and Egypt and Lebanon with millions displaced.

4) another nation or group of nations (Egypt and Turkey?) thinking an Israel now weakened will be politically more malleable and join a new flotilla to Gaza with their own naval ships providing escort, except now, submarines, missile and F-15 Strike Eagles wipe out the escort after they fire on Israeli ships and helicopters attempting to stop them .. Turkey claims NATO help and the world is now in crisis.


There is no outcome in which US ending aid to Israel HELPS A DAMN THING, unless the jews simply give up, and go.... WHERE?

Damien said...


I agree.

cjk said...

I know everyone's heard this, but the simple TRUTH needs to be repeated over and over:

If the Arabs laid down their weapons today, there would be peace tomorrow.
If the Israeli's laid down their weapons today, there would be no Israel tomorrow. (actually there would be another holocaust)

Damien said...


Yes, but unfortunately too few people either understand, or are willing to accept that fact.

Anonymous said...

The Arabs better remember one thing: NEVER AGAIN!

They haven't managed to win a war against Israel yet.


cjk said...

Damien: Yeah you're right, but that's why I like to keep repeating it.