Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What do you say if you are DNC and you have just lost a seat your party has held almost a century?

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz: NY-9 is “a very difficult district for Democrats”

Democratic party leaders insisted the loss wasn’t a harbinger of things to come. “It’s a very difficult district for Democrats,” said Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, noting its Democratic margins there tend to be the second lowest of all the districts in New York City.

Debbie, this is district is occupied by an unlimited unimaginable number of people like my grandfather, a tailor who worked in the garment district in NY in the 30’s, and who wouldn’t speak to me for a week in 1980 when I told him I was voting out Carter.

Hmmmm…. wait I have an idea….

A denial intervention model
If a person close to you is using a chronic behavior pattern of denial injurious to his mental health, then the following intervention model may be useful in helping him break through this debilitating denial.
Step 1. Prepare a written script of incidents characteristic of the target person’s denial pattern of behavior. For each incident, list the following:
* The incidents where denial was used.
* When it occurred.
* What loss or problem was involved.
* What the negative consequences of the denial were.
* What could have happened if denial had not been used to resolve the problem or loss.
* Why and how this incident of denial has affected you personally.
Step 2. Seek out other people who are closely related to the target person. Ask these people to prepare a written script, as in Step 1, for incidents of denial with which they know the target person has been involved.

Well step 2 is out since this is mass psychosis

Step 3. Seek out the assistance of a counselor or mental health professional, if you believe the aftermath of a denial intervention with the target person may result in that person needing to get ongoing help.

Well that’s out since mental health counselor’s are paid by state agencies and can’t view the loss of salary in the coming possible deluge realistically….

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