Monday, December 05, 2011

Epaminondas to FED: At least take me out to dinner first

Fed may give loans to IMF to help euro zone: paper

The Federal Reserve, along with the 17euro zone national central banks, may help provide the International Monetary Fund with funds that could be used to aid debt-ridden states, a German newspaper said.

Die Welt cited sources close to the negotiations as saying the euro zone central banks could pay at least 100 billion euros ($134.2 billion) into a special fund that could be used for programs for nations struggling to control their debts.

“Also other central banks, for example the U.S. Federal Reserve, are apparently prepared to finance a part of the costs,” the paper said in an advance copy of an article to appear on Monday.

It may be the right move, and it might not (but it probably IS, we probably have no choice), but here it the problem, boyos.

IT’S NOT YOUR $. You have to ask and we have to discuss it, unless you think nether you nor we have learned anything from Hank Paulson’s ‘it’s an emergency and there’s no time to talk’..BALONEY.

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