Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Republican Problem

WAAAAAAAY….back (2009-10) I had hypothesized that the republican ticket which most closely mimicked my foreign policy thoughts would be Newt-Bolton.

Domestically no one is close to what I think since I think spending is not just out of control and a threat to our sovereignty, and that only GROWTH can end this cycle not taxes and not spending down to deflationary levels. We are not putting masses in the streets without homes or food, and we are not cutting out entitlements to old people. FORGET IT. We have to GROW out of it.

I also think that while we have to have secure borders including the US Army is that becomes needed, we also have to have immigration the way it was from ~1840-1924, when it made the USA the greatest and highest achieving nation. Translation = flat tax and nobody. Maybe Cain was closest, but not there.

Then Newt’s purchasing proclivities at Tiffany’s in the depth of our economic struggles came out. HALF A MILLION for Callista. Callista, who was the adulteress that he had to have (the Dobson’s would say?).

It’s nice when leaders lead by example, and a guy who blows half a mil on a chick who looks like she’s about to land on your kitty sink, in her talons and shriek as she flies away just doesn’t seem to me to be leading that way, and so I wrote him down. Sorry Newt, but cut down Callista’s Synthroid or something.

I know. I apologize. I am cruel and tasteless.

And I have asperger's or SOMETHING

But things in this nation have gotten worse.

So much worse, I don’t care anymore. But at least I know why he took a million from Fannie Mae. He isn’t JC. But he gets ideas, and rotates thru them until he finds a workable solution and he isn’t afraid to compromise, or defend them. ANd he does not suffer fools.

And now Mitt. Mitt understands what he’s doing and his limits. I can’t tell who he is however, and I have a feeling those in the boardroom at Bain felt the same way. He let’s others reveal themselves into defeat and says only what he is compelled to. This is probably not the time in USA history for this, but it may be what is inoffensive enough to get elected by fearful independents. But he has another problem. And Newt just pounded it and is getting pounded by purists for doing it.

Mitt Romney is the “1%” poster boy, and worse, is not prepared to defend himself on that basis.

The Obama line will go like this … Bain Capital are THE GUYS who bought companies, loaded them with the debt they needed to do so, stripped out profitable sections and sold them and then fired people left and right as they put up for sale the sections with the debt and lacking sale, shuttered them. Bain Capital are the kinds of guys who would sell you Mortgage Securities in one office while the other was buying up short sales of the paper they were selling you and deny there was anything wrong with that (that WAS Goldman Sachs, and CITI, btw)

The defense is that at Staples alone they created more jobs than they lost thru all failures they had. (I’m not sure that is true arithmetically, but you get the idea). This is a one liner defense, and that Romney was not ready with this, and not ready against Perry (a $10,000 bet, you 1% ninny?) does not augur well for Romney. In fact, IMHO, if I were Romney I would be firing political advisers over that one.

Either of these guys will be miles better than the distant, aloof, sorry for america, class dividing, inciting to hatred person in that office now, and HIS wife who will, I hope once again no longer be proud of America.

I sense that Newt will take ACTIONS which might get us out of this in time.

I have no idea what Mitt will really do except not be Obama since he has moved around so much I don’t know who he is, except that he plays a reasonable prevent defense.



jeppo said...

WAAAAAAAY….back (2009-10) I had hypothesized that the republican ticket which most closely mimicked my foreign policy thoughts would be Newt-Bolton.

Yeah, cause that's just what America needs right now: not one but two bloodthirsty neocon warmongers on the ticket. A war/occupation with Iran would be guaranteed, and other wars with Syria, Sudan, Yemen, Pakistan, North Korea, Venezuela and maybe even Russia would likely follow. Call Newt-Bolton the Depression and Death ticket.

and that only GROWTH can end this cycle not taxes and not spending down to deflationary levels.

So in other words it's business as usual: Low taxes and high spending 4ever! Just pray for the Asian levels of growth needed to balance the budget by the end of the decade, when the total debt will be something like $25 trillion. More likely your creditors will step in before then, and you will be in the same position that the Greeks and Italians are in today: forced austerity imposed by unfeeling foreigners.

we also have to have immigration the way it was from ~1840-1924, when it made the USA the greatest and highest achieving nation.

Are you saying that America should return to the era of 98% European immigration? Cause that's what made America the great nation it is/was. Do you realize that in pre-welfare state America, something like one-third of all immigrants eventually returned home? How many immigrant slackers and non-hackers return home today? Why would they when Uncle Sucker caters to their every whim and fancy? The choice isn't between today's disfunctional, nation-wrecking immigration policy and the pipe dream of returning to the imagined halcyon era of 1840-1924 (the real halcyon era was 1924-1965). The choice is between deporting all illegals and drastically reducing legal immigration to try to preserve at least a semblance of the historic American nation, and inexorably becoming the northernmost nation of Latin America. Newt Gingrich clearly favours the latter option.

Unlike Gingrich, Mitt Romney is not bad on the National Question (border security and illegal immigration). And unlike Gingrich, Romney can actually beat Obama in the general election. Please, please, please Republicans, don't nominate a third open-borders fanatic in a row. It will mean nothing less than the death of your party and your country.

I agree with you about Callista though.

Epaminondas said...

No american will ever occupy Iran, dude. That, if there was an actual war is not how that would ever go.

Iraq 21 million people.
Iran .... AYFKM?

In a real war, BELIEVE that decapitation, decimation of armed forces, factories, airfields, etc would be the minimum answer. And given the stated policy of Iran I feel certain they would use WMD wherever they could reach. Including here, via Hizballah.
US policy on that has been the same for this since Reagan. Including Clinton. 20 minute solution.

Given the REAL INTENTIONS of Iran in a REAL WAR, it would be a sea of stones one stone high, with millions dead, and only oil wells manned....BY EUROPEANS

Jeppo, a growing US economy AS IT DID IN THE 90's - CREATES A SURPLUS. You simply don't know what the hell you are talking about. Any attempt to cut spending down to the levels we need to right now to end the deficit and cut the debt, would I promise you, DESTROY THE WORLD. Tax increases would make it worse.
Even the 40% cut now envisioned as cataclysmic via supercommittee failure would have MINIMAL impact on the debt. THOSE ARE FACTS.
ALL FACTS. We have to go much much further if we are going to cut.
Welfare reform and flat tax are part of the solution, but NOT THE ANSWER ALONE. These problems go back to the 70's when Japanese steel invaded america.

Your reasoning on immigration is WORD FOR WORD what was said around the time of Andrew Jackson.
Then ...
About the Irish
About the Asians brought in to build the railroads.
About the Gypsies
About the Italians
About the Southern Europeans
About the Asians again after 1924

I'm not in a pipe dream.. you are living in a white euro BNP Stormfront nocturnal emission.

The USA is NEVER going to pack up 12 million people and DRIVE THEM OUT THE NATION. THIS IS MY OBSERVATION. Anyone espousing this is dead in the water. FORGET IT.

AMERICA IS AN IDEA NOT A RACE and I don't give a shit what color it is. If they want the idea ..THEY ARE WELCOME.

I'll vote for either guy.
However, I believe Mitt Romney, who seems like a good idea right now because of independents will be a weaker candidate as a vote getter.
Can you not write the commercial around that picture of him and his Bain Broes with money hanging out of their pockets?

Newt, who has many problems, will start in a more negative position, but it is instructive to remember HOW HE CAME TO THE TOP OF THIS PRIMARY SEASON.


Epaminondas said...

BTW Jeppo ... you BELIEVE what Romney says?

How can you?

He's been on both sides of the issues you care about.

Health care and mandates
Borders and immigration (MA is a sanctuary state)

Which reality does he mean?

I sure as hell don't know

jeppo said...

I don't trust Romney or any other politician. But at least he's making the right noises on the National Question, unlike Gingrich or Perry.

Getting serious about illegal immigration doesn't mean deporting all 12-20 million people next Tuesday. When Eisenhower launched Operation Wetback in the 1950s, the feds only deported a couple hundred thousand illegals, but about 3 million more self-deported in fear of eventually getting caught.

A serious anti-illegal policy would tell the illegals in no uncertain terms that there will be no amnesty/legalization for any of them EVER, build a double fence on the Mexican border, end birthright citizenship, prosecute, fine and jail large-scale employers of illegals, end sanctuary cities/states, enact a nationwide law like Arizona's SB 1170 (sp.?), etc. For every illegal the feds deport, many more will self-deport.

America is a nation, like all other nations, based on race, religion, language and culture, not merely an idea. That's why American citizenship was originally restricted to "free white persons" and immigration was almost exclusively restricted to white people until 1965. Haiti's revolution was based on the Enlightenment ideas of the American and French revolutions: liberty, equality, etc., So why didn't their so-called Propostion Nation work out as well as America's? Could it by any chance have something to do with race? Nah, ANYTHING but that...

The deficits and debt rung up by Reagan, Bush I and Bush II were trifling compared to Obama's orgy of borrowing. It's going to take a combination of economic growth, severe spending cuts and tax hikes to get America's fiscal house in order. I would propose downloading various competencies (health, education, etc.) from the fedgov to the states, to be paid for by hikes in the state sales taxes. It would encourage competition between the states, shift much of the tax burden from producers to consumers and be easier to implement than to try and impose a national VAT or GST.

I've been hearing that Iran is just six months away from producing an nuclear weapon for the past ten years now. I don't believe a word of their bullshit anymore. Any war with Iran, even without an occupation (which would be needed to shut their nuclear program down once and for all), would lead to the blocking of the Straits of Hormuz, $200 a barrel oil and a worldwide depression lasting God knows how long. If the Republicans are so gung-ho about starting another catastrophic Middle Eastern war of choice based on faulty intelligence (and apart from Ron Paul, they all seem to be), then Obama, for all his multiple faults and assuming he won't attack Iran, deserves to be re-elected.

Epaminondas said...
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Epaminondas said...

Jeppo you are just plain factually incorrect.

ten of thousands of asians immigrated here between 1860-1870, "immigration was almost exclusively restricted to white people until 1965."

I notice when I tell you your arguments are identical to the idiots who fought immigration from 1820-1840 you manage not to deal with that.

Frankly I find your analysis of what makes america close to VDARE which is outright racism.

It was also Ike who invented the Bracero system for Mexicans.


I worked in civil rights from 65-67 to ensure that this is so. From what I saw, some of those whites who quoted shit to me just the way you do, WERE UNAMERICAN.


Stick to that please.

BTW the Iranians will NEVER be permitted to block the straits. There would be a totally agreed to NATO decimation of Iran to prevent that



jeppo said...

Fact: American citizenship was originally reserved only for "free white persons". This is undeniable.

Fact: Immigration WAS almost entirely restricted to white people until 1965. You laughably counter with the fact that tens of thousands of Asians immigrated to the US in the 19th Century. Compared to the tens of millions of Europeans who immigrated, you make my point for me. Don't try to rewrite American history to suit your liberal fantasies that America is merely an "idea".

Iran can mine the Straits, or fire missiles at any ships trying pass through, so the Straits will effectively be closed if Iran is attacked, and we will all pay a huge price for that. You think this will be a NATO operation? Don't make me laugh, no NATO country will go along with your brilliant plan to destroy the world's economy under false pretences. You're completely on your own with this one, hope you enjoy the blowback.

There would be a totally agreed to NATO decimation of Iran to prevent that

You've got a lot of nerve to accuse me of Stormfront-style racism while you cavalierly talk about "decimating" Iran, i.e. killing millions of people and destroying an entire nation. I'm only telling you the facts about the history of your own country while you're openly promoting genocide, and I'm supposed to be the bad guy? Give your head a shake, Epa.

Epaminondas said...

The 1790 law is being quoted as for free white citizens? That came with the Alien & Sedition act as well. Maybe we should be jailing reporters for you as well

WHY DO YOU THINK WE FOUGHT THE ENTIRE CIVIL WAR (after which the asians immigrated 300,000 Chinese by 1880 - 20 years, and the the Japanese began to come in)? Or why Jefferson INSISTED on the Bill of Rights and the amendment process.


Today there are more asian americans than ANY OTHER GROUP entering law and medical schools INCLUDING JEWS.

Excuse me but Iran will never be allowed to destroy YOUR LITTLE CANADIAN LIFE by making gas $10 a gallon. Every Nato nation will GLEEFULLY join in such a parade to crush Iran to prevent that. Look at what happened when a small % of supplies was endangered in Libya. No advanced society will stand by and allow themselves to be destroyed in this way, especially when each and every one is threatened in the same way. You better take a look at European history.

If the Iranians try to block freedom of the seas by blocking an INTERNATIONAL WATERWAY, it's REAL WAR.

As for liberal, I have a lot of progressive friends in my congregation. They tell me I am a right wing freak. I tell them anything to their right looks like that. Same for you, ANYONE to your left must be a liberal. Sorry, but I am active in the tea party here for reasons of small govt. And you are 5 sd's to the right of those people


Sorry you are Ron Paul racist all the way. STAY THERE.

It's really funny seeing you try to revert to Plessy vs Ferguson, Alien and Sedition, Scott vs Sanford, Roger Taney, KNOW NOTHING PARTY reasoning as being some kind of 'real america' as a canadian, and then tell me I should be ashamed because not only am I a liberal , but I predict the reaction to an act of war and attempt to strangle a billion people by Iran will be SLAUGHTER?

Bring on Sam Kineson

jeppo said...

I'm a Ron Paul racist am I? LOL. Funny how he scares the shit out of you neocon warmongers. I'm starting to think better of the old codger despite his weakness on the National Question.

So Ron Paul not wanting to start a war to indiscriminately slaughter millions of Muslims equals racism in your world, eh? No wonder your progressive friends consider you a freak. How can you be friends with them if they don't want destroy Iran and kill all the Iranians? Are they racists too? And what are you, some sort of a genocidal anti-racist? Muslims aren't a race so killing them isn't racism, is that it?

BTW, I checked the 1950 US census numbers, and there were 135 million white people compared with--wait for it--all of 370,000 Asians, Pacific Islanders and other races combined (I picked the 1950 numbers because Asian-dominated Hawaii hadn't become a state yet). That's after almost 350 years of immigration to America. So you might want rethink your outright lie denying that immigration was almost exclusively restricted to whites up to 1965. You're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.

Oh yeah, you shouldn't be allowed to get away with your libellous smear of VDARE either. Your readers might be interested in this, then they can make up their own minds about Peter Brimelow and his fine website.