Monday, July 09, 2012


From Atlas Shrugs:

As I predicted, the Muslims stoning and pelting the peaceful Christian street preachers at the Dearborn Arab Festival was a gross civil rights violation. Particularly because the cops stood there and did nothing.
The American Freedom Law Center, Robert Muise and David Yerushalmi, are taking the case. Atlas readers are quite familiar with their work. They have handled all of my legal cases. The $10,000,000 lawsuit filed against me by the Muslim lawyer for Rifqa Bary parents (we won), the lawsuit against NYC (for refusing to run my Ground Zero mosque bus ads -- we won), the Dearborn lawsuit (for refusing to run my "Leaving Islam?" bus ads -- we won and we are still fighting). We are currently embroiled in a lawsuit against the NYC TA for refusing to run my pro-Israel subway ads. We will win that, too. I expect Muise and Yerushalmi to win this egregious enforcement of the sharia and Islamic supremacist violence.
Increasingly, the civil rights legal organizations like ACLU are yesterday's men, going the way of the horse and buggy as they abandoned their mission and became tools (or battering rams) of the left and the stealth jihadists. They are done. Over. AFLC assumes the true mantle. I predict that the AFLC will be world-historical and will go down in history as the pre-eminent civil rights organization in the age of jihad.
Christians Stoned by Muslims at Arab Festival Retain the American Freedom Law Center: Civil Rights Lawsuit on the Horizon AFLC
During the 2012 Arab International Festival held this past June in Dearborn, Michigan, a group of Christian evangelists were pelted with stones, bottles, and debris by Muslim youths while deputies from the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office stood idly by, allowing the criminal assault to take place.  Many of the Christians were bloodied by the attack.  When Ruben Israel, the leader of the Christian group, asked the law enforcement officers present to step in and enforce the criminal law so that the Christians could exercise their right to freedom of speech, Israel was given the option of either leaving the festival or facing arrest....
Go read the whole thing.

This part is particularly important:

Yerushalmi commented, “The City of Dearborn and now the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office appear to be serial violators of the Constitution when it comes to defending the free speech rights of Christians who seek to evangelize Muslims or criticize Islam.  Under sharia, this is known as dhimmitude, which is the status that Islamic law mandates for non-Muslims, primarily Jews and Christians, that deprives them of equality of rights and seeks to subdue them under Islamic rule.”   
Muise described the constitutional principles at issue here: “The Supreme Court has long recognized that speech serves its ‘high purpose’ when it stirs people to anger.  Speech is often provocative and challenging, and it may have profound unsettling effects as it presses for acceptance of an idea.  That is why freedom of speech is protected against censorship or punishment.  There is no room under our Constitution for a more restrictive view.  Additionally, the courts have made clear that a police officer has the duty not to effectuate a heckler’s veto, nor may he join a violent mob intent on suppressing speech.  Instead, the officer must take reasonable action to protect persons exercising their free speech rights.  The Wayne County Sherriff’s Office egregiously breached its duty in violation of the U.S. Constitution.”

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