Monday, July 16, 2012

It's Collectivism

Obama is off his rocker, and that is the nicest thing I can say.

Obama's statement:
"If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."
He's ratcheted up. Downright wild and screaming.

Video. Watch the demagoguery:


Always On Watch said...

Another recent statement from BHO:

“You know, my proudest achievement is actually stabilizing the economy to avert a great depression,” he said. “Because if I don’t do that, nothing else matters.”


Messiah complex.


The man is incapable of governing a free society.

Unknown said...

You would expect him to give us a 'serenade' at the end something like "I Did It My Way".

Charles Martel said...

"If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."

OMG! We are back in a hereditary monarchical regime! He reminded me of a line in "Downton Abby," when the count tell his daughter that he is not the owner of his state, but the custodian, because he did not build it himself. Others did! He must be a fan of Master Theater, and borrowed the line!

Epaminondas said...

Has ANYONE seen this covered on TV anywhere but FOX cable?

BTW I DON'T want to thank Obama for allowing me to get to my office for so many years because IT WAS ON MY FUCKING PROPERTY, however I do want to thank him for all the roads that led to my job interviews until I did start my own business.

As for the internet, THANKS

Always On Watch said...

Has ANYONE seen this covered on TV anywhere but FOX cable?


The media are the enemy!