Monday, July 16, 2012

Egyptians To Hillary Clinton: "Monica! Monica! Get Out, Clinton!"

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has made her first visit to Egypt since the Arab Spring regime change that ousted Mubarak.

There were taunting chants about Monica Lewinsky directed at Hillary Clinton.

My insights on that, courtesy of my Muslim neighbor in 1999, in a conversation that I'll never forget:

"And that President of yours [meaning Bill Clinton, of course]....He consorted with Monica Lewinsky. THAT JEWESS!"

Information from the above source:
...Tomatoes, shoes and a water bottle were thrown at part of Clinton's motorcade as it pulled up, protected by riot police, although a US official said Clinton's own vehicle was not hit.

The protest appears to have been the result of suspicions that Washington had helped the Muslim Brotherhood win elections in Egypt in the wake of last year's ouster of president Hosni Mubarak after 18 days of massive street protests....


Mike's America said...

Yeah, the "Monica" chants were priceless!

Interesting that the protesters appear to be opposed to our favoring the Muslim Brotherhood. Why didn't U.S. reporters cover that story?

Epaminondas said...

Actually, i think they were idiots. Hillary MIGHT be a schmuckette to some degree for Bill, but all political ideas aside, any thought she is not one of the toughest broads ever to live in the political world is absurd.

My bet is this painted the chanters as morons of the lowest grade in her mind if they expected that to bother her, or influence her in ANY WAY ..except to cement her opinion of Egypt, and how REAL Egyptians think.