Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Blaze:

Black Conservatives Make Their Voices Heard After Poll Shows Romney Support Among African-Americans at Zero Percent

A new poll conducted by NBC and the Wall Street Journal shows that support for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney among black people stands at an incredible zero percent. Nada. Zilch. Zero.

But in order for the poll to be accurate, one would have to assume that there are indeed “zero” African-Americans that stand with Mitt Romney. And while the folks at NBC or WSJ certainly aren’t obligated to justify their findings, they would likely have a hard time doing so to the sea of African-Americans who took to Twitter to express their support for Romney after feeling as if they were being ignored — or better yet, as if they don’t exist at all.

Thus the #BlackConservativesForMittRomney hashtag was born. Here are some of the best:

And despite another mainstream media narrative that all conservatives are intolerant racists, these black conservatives found plenty of support from all races:

Whether they will admit it or not, the folks at NBC and the Wall Street Journal stand corrected.

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