How many fucking times did the FBI need to hear about this one guy before, maybe just maybe, they'd consider him a fucking threat?
How God damned incompetent is the fucking FBI.
I know this: We've tipped off the FBI on something that ought to be of interest to them, and they completely ignored it.
They're so fucking stupid, they probably have me under surveillance.
God damned stupid fucking nitwits.
Long before the recent purge of training materials critical of Islam/shariah - which was recent, there was the affirmative action push to hire Muslims as FBI operatives and Jews fluent in Arabic and related languages were not even considered.
Yep. You're right about that.
All those pieces of the puzzle come together now, don't they?
Why do I say they ignored our tip?
Because, for one, the guys were never arrested, and for two, they didn't even so much as respond or ask questions.
Dumbfucks. Tamerlan Tsarnaev's Body Should be Displayed at 9/11 Museum with Donations Going to Victims
A couple of possibilities:
1. The agents who received the notificationS are Muslims.
2. The notification was deliberately ignored higher up because the information did not fit the Obama narrative about Islam and terrorism.
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